Could not read package.json: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory
2024-09-28npm安装报错_could not read package.json: error: enoent: no such file or directory, open
LangChain-20 Document Loader 文件加载 加载MD DOCX EXCEL PPT PDF HTML JSON 等多种文件格式 后续可通过FAISS向量化 增强检索
2024-06-22LangChain 提供了多种文档加载器,包括但不限于以下几种:- TextLoader:用于从各种来源加载文本数据。- CSVLoader:用于加载 CSV 文件并将其转换为 LangChain 可以处理的文档格式。- UnstructuredFileLoader:能够自动检测并处理不同格式的文件。- directoryLoader:用于加载指定文件夹中的文件。- UnstructuredHTMLLoader:用于从 HTML 文件中提取有意义的内容。- JSONLoader:用于加载和处理 _langchain excel
2024-08-27PHP is a server-side scripting language used for web development. You can save PHP files with a .php extension, and store them in the appropriate directory on your web server. This allows the server to the PHP code and generate dynamic content for your website. Be sure to keep your P
npm install 出错
2024-08-251.删除package-lock.json。2.重新npm install。_npm warn tar enoent: no such file or directory, open
npm报错Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory
CSS安装出错:Unicode Character Check -> Your temp directory path contains Unicode characters........
2024-08-04安装css,的时候出现上面内容,并导致无法安装css,上面内容报错原因是:**Unicode字符检查->您的临时目录路径包含Unicode字符,这些字符可能破坏套接字。**这将导致css无法安装。我的出错原因:电脑买的比较早,那时候不懂电脑,用户名只用了中文,后来懂电脑了,只修改了登录账号的用户名,其他原来相关的目录名,并没有修改为非中文,想重装系统,但资料比较多,比较麻烦.讲TEMP环境变量改到新建到D盘TEMP路径。在D盘建立TEMP文件夹。_your temp directory path contains unicode characters which can corrupt the i
npm ERR! Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘matches‘)
2024-06-22reply:删除package.json 的 core-js,删除node_modules中的已经安装的core-js,重新安装core-js。报错npm ERR!Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘matches’)3、最后直接安装cnpm i svg-baker-runtime --save。reply: npm cache clean --force,再重新安装。报错:no such file or directory,_npm err! cannot read properties of null (reading 'matches') npm err! a compl
npm ERR! enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open
npm install报ENOENT: no such file or directory, open问题
2024-06-21没有进行npm的初始化操作导致的。再 npm install。_npm install enoent: no such file or directory
docker load 报错open /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-import-837327978/bin/json: no such file or directory
2024-06-21因为压缩包如果是用 docker save 打包的,就可以用 docker load,但是如果压缩包是用 docker export 打包的,那就需要用 docker import。docker save保存的是镜像(image),docker export保存的是容器(container);docker load用来载入镜像包,docker import用来载入容器包,但两者都会恢复为镜像;docker load不能对载入的镜像重命名,而docker import可以为镜像指定新名称。_docker load open:no such file