2024-09-18Slipshow:重新定义HTML5演示文稿引擎 slipshow An engine for displaying slips, the next-gen version of slides 项目地址: https://gitc...
HTML5 MathML: Powering Mathematical Expressions on the Web
2024-09-14【代码】HTML5 MathML: Powering Mathematical Expressions on the Web。
grunt-purifycss 项目教程
2024-09-14grunt-purifycss 项目教程 grunt-purifycssRemove unused CSS with the grunt build tool项目地址: 1. 项目的目录结构及介绍grunt-purifycss/├── tasks/│ └── purifycss.js├─...
Did not attempt to load JSON data because the request Content-Type was not ‘application/json‘
2024-09-14用python flask做coding过程中,拿Apipost测试接口时遇到的问题_did not attempt to load json data because the request content-type was not
tus-jquery-client 使用教程
2024-09-14tus-jquery-client 使用教程 tus-jquery-client[DEPRECATED] A jQuery plugin implementing the tus resumable upload protocol.项目地址: 1. 项目介绍tus-jquery-client ...
2024-09-14Kepler.js:开源地理社交网络平台的未来之星 Keplerthe open source geosocial network platform written in NodeJs项目地址: 项目介绍Kepler.js 是一个开源的地理社交网络平台,旨在让用户能够分享他们喜欢的地点,并在实时环境中参与讨论。...
TitleNotifier.js 使用教程
2024-09-12TitleNotifier.js 使用教程 TitleNotifier.js???? Lightweight (< 3kb), dependency-free javascript library to dynamically show the number of unread notifications in your webpage title through a simple API.项目地址:...
jQuery InstagramFeed 使用教程
2024-09-12jQuery InstagramFeed 使用教程 jquery.instagramFeedInstagram Feed without access token. Not using the Instagram API项目地址: 1. 项目的目录结构及介绍jquery.instagra...
npm ERR! the operation was rejected by your operating system. npm ERR! It‘s possible that the file w
2024-09-10修改nodejs安装路径下"node_cache","node_global"路径,修改方法:右键,属性,安全,user,编辑,全部勾选。然后重新打开deveco。_the operation was rejected by your operating system. npm err! it's possible
jQuery ListNav 开源项目使用教程
2024-09-10jQuery ListNav 开源项目使用教程 jquery-listnavAdd a slick "letter-based" navigation bar to all of your lists. Click a letter to quickly filter the list to items that match that letter. Compatible with jQuery...