
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher.安装cnpm报错

2024-05-14我需要重新安装node.js,因为以前有我卸载之后重新安装nodejs,在安装cnpm报错了.首先我执行:node -v在运行了npm install cnpm@7.1.0 -g 就报错了这个是官方的. 如果有淘宝的不用管.3.更新uuid还是会报错,但已经安装成功了测试一下:不报错的哦,有结果_2 deprecated subdependencies found: stable@0.1.8, uuid@3.4.0

https://www.qianduange.cn//article/8705.html 分类:前端知识

vue3 ts项目 警告

2024-05-10error.ts:14 ElementPlusError: [el-dialog] [API] the title slot is about to be deprecated in version 3.0.0, please use the header slot instead.以上是警告,大概意思就说 el-dialog的title插槽将要被启用 请用header替代,那么上代码中找到title插槽用headert替代掉就可以了。_[el-dialog] [api] the title slot is about to be deprecated in version 3.0.0,

https://www.qianduange.cn//article/8066.html 分类:前端知识

npm install时报错deprecated [email protected]: core-js@<3.23.3 is no longer maintained and not recommended

2024-05-09顾名思义,core js@❤️.23.3不再维护,由于问题数量众多,不建议使用。需要升级core-js的版本。_core-js@2.6.12: core-js@<3.23.3 is no longer maintained and not recommended

https://www.qianduange.cn//article/7761.html 分类:前端知识

Option ‘importsNotUsedAsValues‘ is deprecated and will stop functioning in TypeScript 5.5. Specify c

2024-04-29ts项目中报错:Option 'importsNotUsedAsValues' is deprecated and will stop functioning in TypeScript 5.5. Specify compilerOption '"ignoreDeprecations": "5.0"' to silence this error. Use 'verbatimModuleSyntax' instead.ts_option 'importsnotusedasvalues' is deprecated and will stop functioning in t

https://www.qianduange.cn//article/6461.html 分类:前端知识

记录vue3 echarts搭建数据可视化页面!

2024-04-29记录vue3 echarts遇到的问题_echart.vue:68 [echarts] deprecated: color: 'auto' is deprecated, use color:

https://www.qianduange.cn//article/5957.html 分类:前端知识

解决:Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json)/ Solving environment

2024-04-20解决报错:Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): - WARNING conda.models.version:get_matcher(556): Using .* with relational operator is superfluous and deprecated and will be removed in a future version of conda. Your spec was 1.7.1.*, but conda i_collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done solving environmen

https://www.qianduange.cn//article/5510.html 分类:前端知识

怎么解决slot attributes are deprecated vue/no-deprecated-slot-attribute

2024-03-11{{ item.title }} 是一个模板标签,它在模板中插入了一个元素(slot),并指定了元素的名称为 “title”。这个标签在模板中显示为一个空白元素,可以通过设置其 data 属性来提供内容。attributes are deprecated vue/no-deprecated-slot-attribute的警告。是一种分发内容的机制,用于在子组件中插入内容。解决方法是使用新的语法,在插入位置使用。的使用中有一种旧的语法,即在。属性,这种语法已被弃用。_`slot` attributes are deprecated

https://www.qianduange.cn//article/3617.html 分类:前端知识

::v-deep usage as a combinator has been deprecated. Use :deep(<inner-selector>)

2024-03-08sass中样式穿透问题_::v-deep usage as a combinator has been deprecated. use :deep(

https://www.qianduange.cn//article/3444.html 分类:前端知识

element-plus type.text is about to be deprecated in version 3.0.0, please use link instead.

2024-03-03error.ts?aa5c:14 ElementPlusError: [props] [API] type.text is about to be deprecated in version 3.0.0, please use link instead._type.text is about to be deprecated in version 3.0.0, please use link instea

https://www.qianduange.cn//article/3134.html 分类:前端知识

echarts控制台警告:deprecated: ‘normal‘ hierarchy in itemStyle has been removed since 4.0.

2024-02-06echarts控制台警告:normal字段弃用_log.js:61 [echarts] deprecated: 'normal' hierarchy in itemstyle has been rem

https://www.qianduange.cn//article/1469.html 分类:前端知识



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