HTML5 Validator:您的HTML5代码质量守护者
2024-10-29HTML5 Validator:您的HTML5代码质量守护者 html5validator command line tool to validate HTML5 files. Great for continuous integration. ..._h5的vvalidator校验
Mac 出现zsh: command not found: pnpm解决方法:环境配置
2024-10-28把 bash shell 中.bash_profile 全部环境变量加入zsh shell里就好了。4、touch .bash_profile 创建.bash_profile。3、source .zshrc 更新配置。5、mkdir ~/.npm-global(若已有文件则无需创建)7、source .bash_profile 更新配置。_zsh: command not found: pnpm
JSON parse error: Unexpected character (‘t‘ (code 116)): was expecting double-quote to start field n
2024-10-27SON分析错误:意外字符(“t”(代码116)):字段名称应该以双引号开头;嵌套异常为com . fasterxml . Jackson . core . jsonparseexception:意外字符(“t”(代码116)):应该在【Source:(org . spring framework . util . stream utils $ NonClosingInputStream】处以双引号开始字段名;_json parse error: unexpected character ('t' (code 116)): was expecting comma
vue-cli脚手架创建项目时报错Error: command failed: npm install --loglevel error
2024-09-29Error: command failed: npm install --loglevel error_error: command failed: npm install --loglevel error vue-cli-plugin-electron-
使用npm install报错npm ERR! gyp verb find Python Python is not set from command line or npm configuratio
2024-09-28使用npm install报了一大堆错误,一个搞后端的也要学会折腾前端啊。的纯 JavaScript 实现。是 C 版本,可以考虑使用。这个错误是由于在构建。_npm err! gyp verb find python python is not set from command line or npm con
ERR_PNPM_RECURSIVE_RUN_FIRST_FAIL `vitest run --coverage` Exit status 1 ELIFECYCLE command failed
2024-09-18基于 Monorepo 构建的测试工作空间,vitest 的覆盖率运行报错,报错原因解决步骤。_elifecycle command failed.
npm 清缓存(重新安装node-modules)
2024-09-12此时 提示有些依赖树有冲突,根据提示 “ this command with --force or --legacy-peer-deps”4、安装依赖 npm i --force 或者 npm i --legacy-peer-deps。3、清掉缓存 npm cache clean --force。1、先删除本地node-modules包。2、删掉page-loacl.json。_清楚nodemodules缓存
2024-09-09探索notebook.js:将Jupyter笔记本转化为HTML的强大工具 notebookjsRender Jupyter/IPython notebooks on the fly, in the browser. (Or on the command line, if you'd like.)项目地址: ..._jupyter notebook 渲染带javascript的html
npm install 报node-sass command failed
2024-09-08最近在前端项目Vue项目install时会出现node-sass command failed的错误,原因是NodeJS和node-sass的版本不对应导致的,本文将给出解决方案。_node-sass: command failed.
卸载了Visual Studio后,在vscode中执行npm i或npm i --force时报错,该怎么解决?
2024-08-18npm ERR! code 1npm ERR! path E:\VScode\codeDate\yugan\node_modules\node-sassnpm ERR! command failednpm ERR! command C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /d /s /c node scripts/build.js卸载了Visual Studio后,在vscode中执行npm i或npm i --force时报错,该怎么解决?_could not find any visual studio installation to use