
【报错】Deprecation Warning: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0

2024-10-29解决 sass 控制台报错: Deprecation Warning: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0_deprecation Warning: The legacy js api is deprecated and will be removed in

https://www.qianduange.cn//article/19407.html 分类:前端知识

sass1.79.xDeprecation Warning: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.

2024-09-28警告内容如下如果只是警告一次我就忍了,但是时不时就警告一下,导致我代码报错排查控制台的时候烦得不行。_deprecation Warning: The legacy js api is deprecated and will be removed in

https://www.qianduange.cn//article/18684.html 分类:前端知识



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