Proxy Error: Could not proxy request /XXX localhost to http://localhost:8080/ (ECONNRE)报错处理
2024-04-07Proxy Error: Could not proxy request /captchaImage from localhost to http://localhost:8080/ (ECONNREFUSED)._proxy Error: Could not proxy request
[js] Error: Couldn‘t connect to server, connection attempt failed: SocketException:
2024-03-20上面两种是直接报错,但是下面这一种看似已经启动了(因为可以通过localhost:27017访问到),但是登录的时候还是报错(和上面一样)_Error: Couldn't connect to server, connection attempt failed
Proxy Error: Could not proxy request /***/***/*** from localhost:8080 to http://000.000.000/. 的解决办法
2024-02-03关于这个问题,博主是在集成联调的时候遇到的,在各个系统组件都开发完成后,联调不通过,报错:” Proxy Error: Could not proxy request /***/***/*** from localhost:8080 to http://000.000.000/. “ 如下图:页面错误:关于导致这个问题的排查解决思路,通过以下三步:1、组件间联调的端口号冲突,修改vue.config.js中的代理port修改内容如下:2、代理路径错误例如: Error: Could not proxy request