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📙网页编辑方面:网页作品代码简单,可使用任意HTML编辑软件(如:​​Dreamweaver、HBuilder、Vscode 、Sublime 、Webstorm、Text 、Notepad++​​​ 等任意html编辑软件进行运行及修改编辑等操作)。
(2)📑 css文件包含:css全部页面样式;
(3)📄 js文件包含:js实现动态轮播特效, 表单提交, 点击事件等等(个别网页中运用到js代码)。





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      <p class="tdjj1">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;blackpink是韩国女子演唱组合,2016年8月8日由YG Entertainment推出,由金智秀(JISOO)、金珍妮(JENNIE)、朴彩英(ROS)、LISA四名成员组成。<br />
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        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;组合名“BLACKPINK”在看起来很美的粉色中稍微加入了否定的意义,旨在传达出“不要只看漂亮的部分”、“看到的并不是全部”的意思<br />
        <br />
        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;粉墨是韩国三大社之一yg于2016年推出的新人女子组合, 出道十三天就拿了歌曲一位,刷新了韩国女团记录,出道两年一共五首歌全部在油管上破亿,所有舞蹈练习室全在yc名列前茅,其中stay破一亿,口哨和玩火破两亿,像最后一样和boombayah破三亿,当然,在韩国这个娱乐竞争庞大的圈子里大火并不容易,我们粉墨受过的那些伤我们粉丝都看在眼里,每一个成员都是经过四年以上的练习生时期才出道的,每一个成员都和社长签订了不整容协定。<br />
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      <p class="yw1">Black and pink give people a very different feeling,vision is also different.Pink,let people think of purity,angel color;black,people think of evil,the representative of the devil.<br />
        Pink,for me,not only hope bright,pure white,but also is the beginning of life.Life is like a piece of white paper,no color,just like the original muddleheaded me,nothing,need to learn,actively strive for their own.<br />
        Black,in my opinion,is not evil,nor destruction,but represents the self to be reborn.Who has not been hit by failure and frustration?For example:painter Xie Kunshan lost his hands,a leg and an eye in an accident,which was a great setback for a painter.However,he was not discouraged,did not rely on others,and tried to paint with his mouth.Finally,he became a well-known painter.</p>
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        <p>外文名:BLACKPINK | 블랙핑크</p>
        <p>经纪公司:YG Entertainment</p>
      <div class="d">
        BOOMBAYAH、PLAYING WITH FIRE、As If It's Your Last、DDU-DU DDU-DU、KILL THIS LOVE、How You Like That、Lovesick Girls、STAY、Pink Venom、Shut Down
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      <p class="di1">深巷积木青春 © 版权所有</p>


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