首页 前端知识 css、js、vue实现动画效果,vue实现页面间无缝切换(上下左右滑动)


2024-05-24 08:05:18 前端知识 前端哥 829 550 我要收藏



        <div :class="{containerOne:sure,'pt-page-moveToTop':as1,'pt-page-moveFromBottom':as2}" v-show="change == 1">
        <div :class="{containerTwo:sure,'pt-page-moveToTop':as3,'pt-page-moveFromBottom':as4}" v-show="change == 2">
        <div :class="{containerThree:sure,'pt-page-moveToTop':as5,'pt-page-moveFromBottom':as6}" v-show="change == 3">
        <div :class="{containerFour:sure,'pt-page-moveToTop':as1,'pt-page-moveFromBottom':as2}" v-show="change == 4">


.pt-page-moveToLeft {
	-webkit-animation: moveToLeft .6s ease both;
	-moz-animation: moveToLeft .6s ease both;
	animation: moveToLeft .6s ease both;

.pt-page-moveFromLeft {
	-webkit-animation: moveFromLeft .6s ease both;
	-moz-animation: moveFromLeft .6s ease both;
	animation: moveFromLeft .6s ease both;

.pt-page-moveToRight {
	-webkit-animation: moveToRight .6s ease both;
	-moz-animation: moveToRight .6s ease both;
	animation: moveToRight .6s ease both;

.pt-page-moveFromRight {
	-webkit-animation: moveFromRight .6s ease both;
	-moz-animation: moveFromRight .6s ease both;
	animation: moveFromRight .6s ease both;

.pt-page-moveToTop {
	-webkit-animation: moveToTop .6s ease both;
	-moz-animation: moveToTop .6s ease both;
	animation: moveToTop .6s ease both;

.pt-page-moveFromTop {
	-webkit-animation: moveFromTop .6s ease both;
	-moz-animation: moveFromTop .6s ease both;
	animation: moveFromTop .6s ease both;

.pt-page-moveToBottom {
	-webkit-animation: moveToBottom .6s ease both;
	-moz-animation: moveToBottom .6s ease both;
	animation: moveToBottom .6s ease both;

.pt-page-moveFromBottom {
	-webkit-animation: moveFromBottom .6s ease both;
	-moz-animation: moveFromBottom .6s ease both;
	animation: moveFromBottom .6s ease both;

/* fade */

.pt-page-fade {
	-webkit-animation: fade .7s ease both;
	-moz-animation: fade .7s ease both;
	animation: fade .7s ease both;

/* move from / to and fade */

.pt-page-moveToLeftFade {
	-webkit-animation: moveToLeftFade .7s ease both;
	-moz-animation: moveToLeftFade .7s ease both;
	animation: moveToLeftFade .7s ease both;

.pt-page-moveFromLeftFade {
	-webkit-animation: moveFromLeftFade .7s ease both;
	-moz-animation: moveFromLeftFade .7s ease both;
	animation: moveFromLeftFade .7s ease both;

.pt-page-moveToRightFade {
	-webkit-animation: moveToRightFade .7s ease both;
	-moz-animation: moveToRightFade .7s ease both;
	animation: moveToRightFade .7s ease both;

.pt-page-moveFromRightFade {
	-webkit-animation: moveFromRightFade .7s ease both;
	-moz-animation: moveFromRightFade .7s ease both;
	animation: moveFromRightFade .7s ease both;

.pt-page-moveToTopFade {
	-webkit-animation: moveToTopFade .7s ease both;
	-moz-animation: moveToTopFade .7s ease both;
	animation: moveToTopFade .7s ease both;

.pt-page-moveFromTopFade {
	-webkit-animation: moveFromTopFade .7s ease both;
	-moz-animation: moveFromTopFade .7s ease both;
	animation: moveFromTopFade .7s ease both;

.pt-page-moveToBottomFade {
	-webkit-animation: moveToBottomFade .7s ease both;
	-moz-animation: moveToBottomFade .7s ease both;
	animation: moveToBottomFade .7s ease both;

.pt-page-moveFromBottomFade {
	-webkit-animation: moveFromBottomFade .7s ease both;
	-moz-animation: moveFromBottomFade .7s ease both;
	animation: moveFromBottomFade .7s ease both;
@-webkit-keyframes moveToLeft {
	to { -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%); }
@-moz-keyframes moveToLeft {
	to { -moz-transform: translateX(-100%); }
@keyframes moveToLeft {
	to { transform: translateX(-100%); }

@-webkit-keyframes moveFromLeft {
	from { -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%); }
@-moz-keyframes moveFromLeft {
	from { -moz-transform: translateX(-100%); }
@keyframes moveFromLeft {
	from { transform: translateX(-100%); }

@-webkit-keyframes moveToRight { 
	to { -webkit-transform: translateX(100%); }
@-moz-keyframes moveToRight { 
	to { -moz-transform: translateX(100%); }
@keyframes moveToRight { 
	to { transform: translateX(100%); }

@-webkit-keyframes moveFromRight {
	from { -webkit-transform: translateX(100%); }
@-moz-keyframes moveFromRight {
	from { -moz-transform: translateX(100%); }
@keyframes moveFromRight {
	from { transform: translateX(100%); }

@-webkit-keyframes moveToTop {
	to { -webkit-transform: translateY(-100%); }
@-moz-keyframes moveToTop {
	to { -moz-transform: translateY(-100%); }
@keyframes moveToTop {
	to { transform: translateY(-100%); }

@-webkit-keyframes moveFromTop {
	from { -webkit-transform: translateY(-100%); }
@-moz-keyframes moveFromTop {
	from { -moz-transform: translateY(-100%); }
@keyframes moveFromTop {
	from { transform: translateY(-100%); }

@-webkit-keyframes moveToBottom {
	to { -webkit-transform: translateY(100%); }
@-moz-keyframes moveToBottom {
	to { -moz-transform: translateY(100%); }
@keyframes moveToBottom {
	to { transform: translateY(100%); }

@-webkit-keyframes moveFromBottom {
	from { -webkit-transform: translateY(100%); }
@-moz-keyframes moveFromBottom {
	from { -moz-transform: translateY(100%); }
@keyframes moveFromBottom {
	from { transform: translateY(100%); }

上面是css部分 上面封装上下左右各种切换引入即可,

export default {
  name: 'App',
  components: {
  data () {
    return {
      active: 1,
      sure: true,
      as1: false,
      as2: false,
      as3: false,
      as4: false,
      as5: false,
      as6: false,
      change: 2
  methods: {
    handleClickNav (i) {
      this.active = i
    handleClickBtn () {
      this.change += 1
      // let lastPage = this.change - 1
      // let nowPage = this.change
      // const inClass = 'pt-page-moveToTop' // 定义出场动画
      // const outClass = 'pt-page-moveFromBottom' // 定义入场动画
      if (this.change === 2) {
        this.as1 = true
        this.as4 = true
      } else if (this.change === 3) {
        this.as1 = false
        this.as4 = false
        this.as3 = true
        this.as6 = true
      } else if (this.change === 4) {
        this.as3 = false
        this.as6 = false
        this.as5 = true
        this.as2 = true




2024-05-10 08:05:15

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