- 适用于 Vue2
- 基于 ruoyi
- 使用elementUI
- 最多支持四层,可根据需要自行添加或者删除循环以增加或减少层级
<template> <div class="search"> <!-- 搜索框 带放大镜图标 --> <el-button icon="el-icon-search" @click="clickBtn">菜单搜索</el-button> <el-dialog width="600px" class="routerSelect_dialog" :visible.sync="isShowSearch" :show-close="false" :append-to-body="true" > <el-select style="width: 100%" ref="headerSearchSelect" v-model="searchValue" :remote-method="query" filterable default-first-option remote placeholder="请输入菜单名" class="header_search_select" @change="goPath" > <el-option v-for="(item, index) in routerList" :key="index" :value="item.path" :label="item.title" > <!-- 菜单图标 --> <svg-icon :icon-class="item.icon" style="margin: 5px 5px 0 0" /> <!-- 菜单名称 --> {{ item.title }} </el-option> </el-select> </el-dialog> </div> </template> <script> import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'; export default { name: 'menuSearch', data() { return { searchValue: '', isShowSearch: false, menu: [], routerList: [], }; }, computed: { ...mapGetters(['sidebarRouters']), }, mounted() { this.getRouterList(); }, methods: { // 点击搜索按钮 clickBtn() { this.isShowSearch = true; setTimeout(() => { // 点击搜索后默认弹出下拉框进行选择 this.$refs.headerSearchSelect.focus(); }, 500); }, // 选中菜单后跳转到指定页面 goPath(val) { this.$router.push(val); this.isShowSearch = false; this.searchValue = ''; }, // 处理路由信息 - 无标题、重定向、无子菜单项不处理 getRouterList() { this.menu = this.sidebarRouters; for (let item1 of this.menu) { if (!item1.hidden && item1.children && item1.redirect === 'noRedirect') { for (let item2 of item1.children) { if (!item2.hidden && item2.children) { for (let item3 of item2.children) { if (!item3.hidden && item3.children) { for (let item4 of item3.children) { this.routerList.push({ title: item1.meta.title + ' > ' + item2.meta.title + ' > ' + item3.meta.title + ' > ' + item4.meta.title, path: item1.path.slice(1) + '/' + item2.path + '/' + item3.path + '/' + item4.path, icon: item1.meta.icon, }); } } else if (!item3.hidden) { this.routerList.push({ title: item1.meta.title + ' > ' + item2.meta.title + ' > ' + item3.meta.title, path: item1.path.slice(1) + '/' + item2.path + '/' + item3.path, icon: item1.meta.icon, }); } } } else { this.routerList.push({ title: item1.meta.title + ' > ' + item2.meta.title, path: item1.path.slice(1) + '/' + item2.path, icon: item1.meta.icon, }); } } } } }, }, }; </script> <style lang="scss"> .search { height: 100%; button { height: 30px; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } } .routerSelect_dialog { background: rgba(33, 85, 163, 0.16); backdrop-filter: blur(5px); .el-dialog { height: 35px; overflow: hidden; border-radius: 24px; background: rgba(1, 1, 1, 0); margin-top: 40vh !important; //搜索框居中 .el-dialog__header { display: none; } .el-dialog__body { padding: 0 !important; margin-top: 0 !important; } .el-input, .is-focus { input { border: none; } } } } </style>