首页 前端知识 基于HTML5的智慧养老服务平台的设计与实现--43454(免费领源码)可做计算机毕业设计JAVA、PHP、爬虫、APP、小程序、C# 、C 、python、数据可视化、大数据、全套文案

基于HTML5的智慧养老服务平台的设计与实现--43454(免费领源码)可做计算机毕业设计JAVA、PHP、爬虫、APP、小程序、C# 、C 、python、数据可视化、大数据、全套文案

2025-02-24 13:02:25 前端知识 前端哥 689 73 我要收藏






With the continuous deepening of social aging, the development of smart elderly care has become one of the focuses of attention in today's society. The limited resources of families and communities make it necessary to provide more convenient and caring elderly care services to meet the needs of the elderly. The design and implementation of a smart elderly care service platform based on HTML5 technology provides a new way of smart elderly care services for the elderly, making it easier for family members and administrators to manage the life and health of the elderly.

The aim of this study is to develop a smart elderly care service platform based on HTML5 using Java and HTML5 technology combined with SSM framework and MySQL database, providing more convenient service access for the elderly and their families, and providing efficient and rich elderly care services. By designing and implementing functions such as public management, user management, information management, community activities, event registration, and event types, we aim to provide more fun and social opportunities for the elderly, effectively improving their quality of life. At the same time, family members can better support the elderly and understand their life and health. Administrators can use this platform to achieve centralized information management and better provide smart elderly care services, improve the efficiency and service level of smart elderly care service management, and promote the development of the smart elderly care industry.

Keywords: HTML5; Smart elderly care service platform; SSM; MySQL

目  录

摘 要


1 绪论

1.1 研究背景与意义

1.2 国内外研究现状

1.3 论文结构与章节安排

2 基于HTML5的智慧养老服务平台分析

2.1 可行性分析

2.1.1 技术可行性分析

2.1.2 经济可行性分析

2.1.3 操作可行性分析

2.2 系统功能分析

2.2.1 功能性分析

2.2.2 非功能性分析

2.3 系统用例分析

2.4 系统流程分析

2.4.1 数据增加流程

2.4.2 数据修改流程

2.4.3 数据删除流程

2.5 本章小结

3 基于HTML5的智慧养老服务平台总体设计

3.1 系统功能模块设计

3.1.1 整体功能模块设计

3.2 数据库设计

3.2.1 数据库概念结构设计

3.3.2 数据库逻辑结构设计

3.4 本章小结

4 基于HTML5的智慧养老服务平台详细设计与实现

4.1 家属用户功能模块

4.1.1 前台首页界面

4.1.2 用户登录界面

4.1.3 用户注册界面

4.1.4 健康资讯界面

4.1.5 社区活动界面

4.1.6 个人中心界面

4.2 管理员功能模块

4.2.1 公共管理界面

4.2.2 用户管理界面

4.2.3 资讯管理界面

4.2.4 老人档案管理界面

4.2.5 健康信息管理界面

4.2.6 社区活动界面

4.2.7 活动报名界面


5.1 系统测试用例

5.2 测试结果

结 论


致 谢


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