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A self contained Javascript/Html module - Is this possible?

2024-11-05 23:11:47 前端知识 前端哥 728 706 我要收藏

题意:一个自包含的JavaScript/HTML模块 - 这可能吗?


[EDIT: I have possibly found another solution. Kooilnc's solution looks good. Is the solution at the bottom of this question better or worse than Kooilnc's?]


I have a div with associated javascript code. I would like to have the html for just this div and the associated javascript code all in one file, a kind of self contained 'module', eg

我有一个 div 和相关的 JavaScript 代码。我希望将这个 div 的 HTML 和相关的 JavaScript 代码都放在一个文件中,形成一种自包含的“模块”,例如:


<div id="Wibble" style="display: none;">
    ... loads of structure for just this div
<script type="text/javascript">
    ... loads of js functions just associated with this div

Then in my main page index.html I would like to include this 'module' in some way.

然后在我的主页面 `index.html` 中,我想以某种方式包含这个“模块”。

The only thing I have found is a Server Side Include:



<!DOCTYPE html>
    ... loads of stuff
   ... loads of other html structure

   <!--#include FILE="mydiv.html" -->

   ... loads of other html structure and script tags

Question 1: Is there a better way of doing this?   问题1:有没有更好的方法来做到这一点?

Question 2: Should I have the html tag in mydiv.html as that will obviously put an html tag in index.html which is out of place?


Question 3: If that html tag in Q2 should not be there, how do I write the mydiv.html file so it has all the formatting and nice coloured structure in Visual Studio Code?

问题3:如果在问题2中不应该有那个html标签,我该如何编写mydiv.html文件,以便在Visual Studio Code中拥有所有的格式和漂亮的颜色结构?


Kooilnc's solution (below in the answers) looks good. Here is another solution I have found. It is working in my development environment Visual Studio Code. I need the javascript in my included html file in body's onload. Does anyone know if this solution will work on a server with my body onload requirement? Is it better or worse than Kooilnc's solution?

Kooilnc的解决方案(在下面的回答中)看起来不错。这里是我找到的另一种解决方案。它在我的开发环境Visual Studio Code中有效。我需要在包含的html文件中的`body`的`onload`中运行javascript。有没有人知道这个解决方案是否能满足我对服务器的`body onload`要求?它比Kooilnc的解决方案更好还是更差?

Jquery must be included with the normal <script> tag prior to this.

jQuery必须在此之前使用普通的 `<script>` 标签包含。

I insert this code within index.html

我将此代码插入到 `index.html` 中。

<!DOCTYPE html>
    ... loads of stuff
<script type="text/javascript" 
   ... loads of other html structure

   <div id="include_mydiv"></div>

   ... loads of other html structure and script tags

And mydiv.html did not have any <html> tags:

`mydiv.html` 中没有任何 `<html>` 标签。

<div id="Wibble" style="display: none;">
    ... loads of structure for just this div
<script type="text/javascript">
    ... loads of js functions just associated with this div


You can try importing from template elements. Here is a simplified templating example that may be useful.


If you need to import from an external file, check this example I cooked up for you.


document.querySelectorAll(`[data-import]`).forEach( el => {
  if (!el.dataset.imported) {
    el.dataset.imported = `ok`;
<template id="someForm">
      document.addEventListener(`click`, handle);
      function handle(evt) {
        if (evt.target.nodeName === `BUTTON`) {
          alert(`Yes. I am handled`);
    <button id="sub">Handle me!</button>

<template id="somethingElse">
    <style type="text/css">
      .red {color: red;}
    <p class="red">I am appended too</p>

<div data-import="someForm"></div>
<div data-import="somethingElse"></div>



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