首页 前端知识 three.js vue实现酷炫三维地图web3d大屏可视化GIS地图

three.js vue实现酷炫三维地图web3d大屏可视化GIS地图

2024-09-09 00:09:26 前端知识 前端哥 759 609 我要收藏




  <div id="chinaMap">
    <div id="threejs"></div>
    <!-- 右侧按钮 -->
    <div class="rightButton">
      <div v-for="(item, index) in rightButItem" :key="index" :value="item.value" :class="item.selected ? 'selected common' : 'common'" @click="rightButClick">
        {{ item.name }}
    <!-- 地图名称元素 -->
    <div id="provinceName" style="display: none"></div>
    <!-- 光柱上方数值元素 -->
    <div id="cylinderValue" style="display: none"></div>
    <!-- 地图标牌元素 -->
    <div id="mapTag" style="display: none">
      <div class="content">
        <div id="mapTag_value">1024万</div>
      <div class="arrow"></div>
    <!-- 弹框元素 -->
    <div id="popup" style="display: none">
      <div class="popup_line"></div>
      <div class="popup_Main">
        <div class="popupMain_top"></div>
        <div class="popup_content">
          <div class="popup_head">
            <div class="popup_title">
              <div class="title_icon"></div>
              <div id="popup_Name">湖北省</div>
            <div class="close" @click="popupClose"></div>
          <div class="popup_item">
            <div class="item_value">388万人次</div>
          <div class="popup_item">
            <div class="item_value">2688万人次</div>
          <div class="popup_item">
            <div class="item_value">88.7%</div>
          <div class="popup_item">
            <div class="item_value">88.7%</div>
        <div class="popupMain_footer"></div>

<script setup>
import { onMounted, reactive, ref, watch } from 'vue';
import * as THREE from 'three';
import TWEEN from '@tweenjs/tween.js';
import { CSS2DObject } from 'three/addons/renderers/CSS2DRenderer.js';
// threejs基础配置,场景相机渲染器等
import { scene, camera, controls, renderer, css3DRenderer, css2DRenderer, outlinePass, composer, finalComposer, mirror } from './baseConfig/index.js';
// 加载地图
import { initMap, cityData, mapUf, waterObj, projection } from './initChinaMap/index.js';
// 地图底部网格背景
import { gridHelper, meshPoint } from './backgroundMesh/index.js';
// 初始化鼠标移入地图浮动效果
import { initMapFloat } from './mapFloat/index.js';
// 地图圆圈背景
import { circleUf, outerCircle, innerCircle, diffuseCircle, gradientPlane, planeUf } from './backgroundCircle/index.js';
// 飞线组对象,更新飞线函数,飞线动画
import { flyGroup, updateFlyLine, flyLineAnimation } from './flyLine/index.js';
// 光柱组对象,创建光柱函数
import { cylinderGroup, createCylindern, cylinderGlowArr, cylinderObj, apertureAnimation } from './cylinder/index.js';
// import { createProvinceName } from "./provinceName/index.js";
import { createMapTag, tagGroup } from './mapTag/index.js';
import { particlesUpdate, createParticles, particles } from './particles/index.js';
import { disposeObject } from './disposeObject/index.js';

// 右侧按钮选项
const rightButItem = reactive([
  { value: 'tourism', name: '刷色图', selected: false },
  { value: 'cylinder', name: '光柱', selected: false },
  { value: 'flyLine', name: '飞线', selected: false },
  { value: 'tag', name: '标牌', selected: true },
  { value: 'particles', name: '粒子', selected: false },
  { value: 'mirror', name: '倒影', selected: false },
  { value: 'ripple', name: '波纹', selected: false },
// 描边模型
let outLineModel = null;
// 时钟对象,用于获取两帧渲染之间的时间值
const clock = new THREE.Clock();
// 射线拾取中模型对象
let rayModel = null;
// 弹框元素
let divTag = null;
// css2D弹框对象
let css2Dpopup = null;
// 需要辉光的模型数组
let glowArr = [];
let mapModel;

onMounted(async () => {
  // 创建省份名称对象
  // createProvinceName();
  // 创建光柱
  // 创建粒子

  // 加载中国地图
  mapModel = await initMap();
  // 初始化鼠标移入地图浮动效果
  initMapFloat(camera, mapModel);
  // 初始化地图点击发光效果

  // 创建地图标牌
  createMapTag(cityData, waterObj);
  scene.add(mapModel, gridHelper, meshPoint, outerCircle, innerCircle, diffuseCircle, gradientPlane, tagGroup);
  // 设置需要辉光物体数组
  glowArr = [...cylinderGlowArr, flyGroup.children];
  // 开始循环渲染
  // 首次进入动画

// 循环渲染
function render() {
  // 两帧渲染间隔
  let deltaTime = clock.getDelta();
  // 地图模型侧边渐变效果
  mapUf.uTime.value += deltaTime;
  if (mapUf.uTime.value >= 5) {
    mapUf.uTime.value = 0.0;

  if (rightButItem[1].selected) apertureAnimation(); // 光圈缩放动画

  // 背景外圈内圈旋转
  outerCircle.rotation.z -= 0.003;
  innerCircle.rotation.z += 0.003;
  // 飞线动画
  if (rightButItem[2].selected) {
  // 波纹扩散动画
  if (rightButItem[6].selected) {
    circleUf.uTime.value += deltaTime;
    if (circleUf.uTime.value >= 6) {
      circleUf.uTime.value = 0.0;
  // 粒子动画
  if (rightButItem[4].selected) {

  // composer.render(scene, camera);
  // css3DRenderer.render(scene, camera);
  // css2DRenderer.render(scene, camera);
  // TWEEN更新
  // 将场景内的物体材质设置为黑色
  // 渲染辉光
  // 还原材质
  // 最终渲染
  css3DRenderer.render(scene, camera);
  css2DRenderer.render(scene, camera);
// 右侧按钮点击事件
function rightButClick(e) {
  const value = e.target.getAttribute('value');
  const clickItem = rightButItem.filter((obj) => obj.value === value)[0];
  clickItem.selected = !clickItem.selected;
  // 点击刷色图按钮
  if (clickItem.value === 'tourism') {
    mapModel.traverse((item) => {
      if (item.color) {
        if (clickItem.selected) {
          item.material[0].color = item.color;
          item.material[0].metalness = 0.65;
          item.material[0].map = undefined;
          item.material[0].needsUpdate = true;
        } else {
          item.material[0].color = new THREE.Color('#00FFFF');
          item.material[0].metalness = 0.0;
          item.material[0].map = item.texture;
          item.material[0].needsUpdate = true;
  // 点击飞线按钮
  else if (clickItem.value === 'flyLine') {
    if (clickItem.selected) {
      updateFlyLine('湖北', cityData);
    } else {
  // 点击光柱按钮
  else if (clickItem.value === 'cylinder') {
    if (clickItem.selected) {
      console.log(cylinderGroup, 'cylinderGroup');
      for (let item in cylinderObj) {
        cylinderObj[item].visible = true;
        cylinderObj[item].children[0].visible = true;
    } else {
      for (let item in cylinderObj) {
        cylinderObj[item].visible = false;
        cylinderObj[item].children[0].visible = false;
      for (const iterator of cylinderGroup.children) {
        if (iterator.children) {
          css2DRenderer.domElement.removeChild(iterator.children[0].element); // 重点
  // 点击波纹按钮
  else if (clickItem.value === 'ripple') {
    if (clickItem.selected) {
      diffuseCircle.visible = true;
    } else {
      diffuseCircle.visible = false;
    circleUf.uTime.value = 0.0;
  // 点击倒影按钮
  else if (clickItem.value === 'mirror') {
    if (clickItem.selected) {
      planeUf.opacitys.radius = 0.05;
      planeUf.opacitys.value = 0.4;
    } else {
      planeUf.opacitys.radius = 0.35;
      planeUf.opacitys.value = 0.7;
  // 点击标牌按钮
  else if (clickItem.value === 'tag') {
    if (clickItem.selected) {
    } else {
      for (const iterator of tagGroup.children) {
        css2DRenderer.domElement.removeChild(iterator.element); // 重点
  // 点击粒子按钮
  else if (clickItem.value === 'particles') {
    if (clickItem.selected) {
    } else {
// 初始化地图点击发光效果
function initMapClickGlow() {
  divTag = document.getElementById('popup');
  const widthScale = window.innerWidth / 1920;
  const heightScale = window.innerHeight / 941;
  divTag.style.top += (37 * heightScale).toFixed(2) + 'px';
  divTag.style.left += (390 * widthScale).toFixed(2) + 'px';
  // 转换为CSS2D对象
  css2Dpopup = new CSS2DObject(divTag);
  // 设置一个较高的渲染顺序,防止弹框被标牌等物体遮挡住
  css2Dpopup.renderOrder = 99;
  // 弹框名称元素
  const nameDiv = document.getElementById('popup_Name');

  let temp = true;
  // 添加鼠标点击事件
  addEventListener('click', (e) => {
    const px = e.offsetX;
    const py = e.offsetY;
    // 屏幕坐标转为标准设备坐标
    const x = (px / window.innerWidth) * 2 - 1;
    const y = -(py / window.innerHeight) * 2 + 1;
    // 创建射线
    const raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster();
    // 设置射线参数
    raycaster.setFromCamera(new THREE.Vector2(x, y), camera);
    // 射线交叉计算拾取模型
    let intersects = raycaster.intersectObjects(mapModel.children);
    // 检测结果过滤掉光圈
    intersects = intersects.filter(function (intersect) {
      return intersect.object.name !== '光圈' && intersect.object.name !== '光柱' && intersect.object.parent.name !== '省份边界线';
    // 点击选中模型时
    if (intersects.length > 0) {
      // 清除上一次选中模型
      if (outLineModel) {
        outLineModel = null;
      // 射线拾取中的模型
      const rayModel = intersects[0].object.parent;
      // 地图边线数据
      const mapLineData = rayModel.userData.mapData;
      // 创建shape对象
      const shape = new THREE.Shape();
      // 当数据为多个多边形时
      if (mapLineData.type === 'MultiPolygon') {
        // 遍历数据,绘制shape对象数据
        mapLineData.coordinates.forEach((coordinate, index) => {
          if (index === 0) {
            coordinate.forEach((rows) => {
              rows.forEach((row) => {
                const [x, y] = projection(row);
                if (index === 0) {
                  shape.moveTo(x, y);
                shape.lineTo(x, y);
      // 当数据为单个多边形时
      if (mapLineData.type === 'Polygon') {
        mapLineData.coordinates.forEach((coordinate) => {
          // 遍历数据,绘制shape对象数据
          mapLineData.coordinates.forEach((rows, index) => {
            if (index === 0) {
              rows.forEach((row) => {
                const [x, y] = projection(row);
                if (index === 0) {
                  shape.moveTo(x, y);
                shape.lineTo(x, y);
      // 创建形状几何体,shape对象作为参数
      const geometry = new THREE.ShapeGeometry(shape);
      const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
        color: rayModel.children[1].material[0].color,
        map: rayModel.children[1].material[0].map,
        side: THREE.DoubleSide,
      let mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
      mesh.name = '描边模型';

      outLineModel = mesh;

      // 设置描边效果
      outlinePass.selectedObjects = [outLineModel];
      // 获取中心位置
      const center = rayModel.userData.center;
      // 设置弹框位置
      css2Dpopup.position.set(center[0], center[1], 0);
      // 设置弹框名称
      nameDiv.innerHTML = rayModel.parent.name;

      // 弹框逐渐显示
      new TWEEN.Tween({ opacity: 0 })
        .to({ opacity: 1.0 }, 500)
        .onUpdate(function (obj) {
          // 动态更新div元素透明度
          divTag.style.opacity = obj.opacity;
// 弹框关闭事件
function popupClose() {
  if (outLineModel) {
    // 描边效果清除
    outlinePass.selectedObjects = [];
    // 弹框逐渐隐藏
    new TWEEN.Tween({ opacity: 1 })
      .to({ opacity: 0 }, 500)
      .onUpdate(function (obj) {
        divTag.style.opacity = obj.opacity;
      .onComplete(function () {
        // 清除选中模型
        outLineModel = null;
// 将材质设置成黑色
function darkenMaterial(obj) {
  // 场景颜色单独保存
  if (obj instanceof THREE.Scene) {
    obj.bg = obj.background;
    obj.background = null;
  const material = obj.material;
  if (material && !glowArr.includes(obj) && !material.isShaderMaterial) {
    obj.originalMaterial = obj.material;
    const Proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(material).constructor;
    obj.material = new Proto({ color: new THREE.Color('#000') });
// 还原材质
function restoreMaterial(obj) {
  if (obj instanceof THREE.Scene) {
    // obj.background = obj.bg;
  if (!obj.originalMaterial) return;
  obj.material = obj.originalMaterial;
  delete obj.originalMaterial;
// 首次进入动画
function eventAnimation() {
  new TWEEN.Tween(camera.clone().position)
    .to(new THREE.Vector3(-5, 250, 150), 1500)
    .onUpdate((e) => {
      controls.target.set(-5, 0, 10);
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    width: 80px !important;
    height: 30px !important;
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  height: 100%;
  position: absolute;
  overflow: hidden;
#threejs {
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    opacity: 0.5;
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    cursor: pointer;
    transition: 1s;

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    transition: 1s;
#provinceName {
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  position: absolute;
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  .popup_Main {
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          margin-right: 10%;
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#cylinderValue {
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2024-11-30 11:11:38

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