本文基于Ant Design Vue官方网站的表格(可编辑单元格)(表格 Table - Ant Design Vue (antdv.com))中的样板代码获得双击编辑且获得焦点、失去焦点时完成编辑的功能。
(2)在<a-input>标签中,添加:ref="setMyEditingInputRef"属性【注:setMyEditingInputRef可以随意取名字,只要和script标签中对应方法名相同即可】,并在<script setup>标签中添加同名方法,在该方法中将标签引用临时保存起来。(注意ref前加上冒号:)
<a-space align="center" style="margin-bottom: 16px">
<a-switch v-model:checked="rowSelection.checkStrictly"></a-switch>
<a-table :columns="columns" :data-source="data" Bordered :row-selection="rowSelection" >
<template #bodyCell="{ column, text, record }">
<template v-if="column.dataIndex === 'name'||column.dataIndex === 'age'||column.dataIndex === 'address'">
<div class="editable-cell">
<div v-if="editableData[record.key+column.key]" class="editable-cell-input-wrapper">
<a-input v-model:value="editableData[record.key+column.key][column.dataIndex]"
:ref="setMyEditingInputRef" @blur="save(record.key,column.key)" @pressEnter="save(record.key,column.key)" />
<check-outlined class="editable-cell-icon-check" @click="save(record.key,column.key)" />
<div v-else class="editable-cell-text-wrapper" @dblclick="edit(record.key,column.key)">
{{ text || ' ' }}
<edit-outlined class="editable-cell-icon" @click="edit(record.key,column.key)" ></edit-outlined>
<template v-else-if="column.dataIndex === 'operation'">
title="Sure to delete?"
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref,UnwrapRef,reactive,nextTick } from 'vue';
import _ from 'lodash-es'
const columns = [
title: 'Name',
dataIndex: 'name',
key: 'name',
title: 'Age',
dataIndex: 'age',
key: 'age',
width: '12%',
title: 'Address',
dataIndex: 'address',
width: '30%',
key: 'address',
interface DataItem {
key: string;
name: string;
age: number;
address: string;
children?: DataItem[];
let data= reactive<DataItem[] >([
key: '1',
name: 'John Brown sr.',
age: 60,
address: 'New York No. 1 Lake Park',
children: [
key: '11',
name: 'John Brown',
age: 42,
address: 'New York No. 2 Lake Park',
key: '12',
name: 'John Brown jr.',
age: 30,
address: 'New York No. 3 Lake Park',
children: [
key: '121',
name: 'Jimmy Brown',
age: 16,
address: 'New York No. 3 Lake Park',
key: '13',
name: 'Jim Green sr.',
age: 72,
address: 'London No. 1 Lake Park',
children: [
key: '131',
name: 'Jim Green',
age: 42,
address: 'London No. 2 Lake Park',
children: [
key: '1311',
name: 'Jim Green jr.',
age: 25,
address: 'London No. 3 Lake Park',
key: '1312',
name: 'Jimmy Green sr.',
age: 18,
address: 'London No. 4 Lake Park',
key: '2',
name: 'Joe Black',
age: 32,
address: 'Sidney No. 1 Lake Park',
const editableData: UnwrapRef<Record<string, DataItem>> = reactive({});
const myEditingInputRef=ref<HTMLInputElement>()
const setMyEditingInputRef=(el:any)=>{
* 从层级数据结构(含children属性)DataItem[]中查询含有指定key的元素,该元素可能位于本级,也可能位于子级别(children)或更深层次中
* @param data
* @param key
* @returns {DataItem|undefined} 如果没有找到,则返回undefined,如果找到,则返回实际元素
function getItemFromRankedData(data:DataItem[],key:string):DataItem|undefined
return undefined;
for(let it of data)
return it;
let result= getItemFromRankedData(it.children,key);
return result;
return undefined;
const edit = (rowKey: string,colKey:string) => {
let dataItem:DataItem|undefined=getItemFromRankedData(data,rowKey);// data.filter(item => key === item.key)[0];
editableData[rowKey+colKey] = _.cloneDeep(dataItem);
const input = myEditingInputRef.value;
const save = (rowKey: string,colKey:string) => {
let dataItem= getItemFromRankedData(data,rowKey)
Object.assign(dataItem, editableData[rowKey+colKey]);
delete editableData[rowKey+colKey];
const onDelete = (key: string) => {
data = data.filter(item => item.key !== key);
const rowSelection = ref({
checkStrictly: false,
onChange: (selectedRowKeys: (string | number)[], selectedRows: DataItem[]) => {
console.log(`selectedRowKeys: ${selectedRowKeys}`, 'selectedRows: ', selectedRows);
onSelect: (record: DataItem, selected: boolean, selectedRows: DataItem[]) => {
console.log(record, selected, selectedRows);
onSelectAll: (selected: boolean, selectedRows: DataItem[], changeRows: DataItem[]) => {
console.log(selected, selectedRows, changeRows);
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { reactive, UnwrapRef, ref, nextTick } from 'vue'
import { DownOutlined, EditOutlined, CheckOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons-vue';
import _ from 'lodash-es'
const columns = [
{ title: 'Name', dataIndex: 'Name', id: 'Name', width: '20%' },
{ title: 'Number', dataIndex: 'Number', id: 'Number', width: '20%' },
{ title: 'Count', dataIndex: 'Count', id: 'Count', width: '20%' },
{ title: 'Date', dataIndex: 'createdAt', id: 'createdAt', width: 'auto' },
{ title: 'Action', id: 'operation', width: 'auto' },
const innerColumns = [
{ title: 'Name', dataIndex: 'Name', id: 'Name', width: '30%' },
{ title: 'Number', dataIndex: 'Number', id: 'Number', width: '30%' },
{ title: 'MainType', dataIndex: 'MainType', id: 'MainType', width: 'auto' },
type SonDataItem = {
id: string;
Name: string;
Number: string;
MainType: string;
type DataItem = {
id: string;
Name: string;
Number: string;
sons: SonDataItem[]
const dataList: UnwrapRef<DataItem[]> = reactive<DataItem[]>([
id: 'sdfg01',
Name: 'LiSi',
Number: 'sdlgdlkldkg',
sons: [
id: 'sdfgggsf44001',
Name: 'WangWu',
Number: 'skfjkgj',
MainType: 'HiHi'
id: 'sdfgggsf44002',
Name: 'Zhaoyun',
Number: 'skfjkg24234j',
MainType: 'whyst'
id: 'sdfg02',
Name: 'LiuYu',
Number: 'sdlgdlkldkg98',
sons: [
id: 'sdfgggsf44005',
Name: 'BaiShu',
Number: 'skfjkgj',
MainType: '984'
id: 'sdfgggsf44006',
Name: 'Wuken',
Number: 'skfjkg24234j',
MainType: '345'
/**********Parent Bridge Item--DOwn********** */
const editableItemData: UnwrapRef<Record<string, DataItem>> = reactive({});
const myEditingInputRef = ref<HTMLInputElement>()
const setMyEditingInputRef = (el: any) => {
if (el) {
myEditingInputRef.value = el
const editParent = (rowKey: string,colKey:string) => {
editableItemData[rowKey+colKey] = _.cloneDeep(dataList.filter(item => rowKey === item.id)[0]);
nextTick(() => {
const input = myEditingInputRef.value;
const saveParent = (rowKey: string,colKey:string) => {
Object.assign(dataList.filter(item => rowKey === item.id)[0], editableItemData[rowKey+colKey]);
delete editableItemData[rowKey+colKey];
/**********Son BridgeItem--Down********** */
const editableSonItemData: UnwrapRef<Record<string, SonDataItem>> = reactive({});
const myEditingSonBridgeInputRef = ref<HTMLInputElement>()
const setMyEditingSonBridgeInputRef = (el: any) => {
if (el) {
myEditingSonBridgeInputRef.value = el
const editSon = (rowId: string,colId:string) => {
editableSonItemData[rowId+colId] = _.cloneDeep((dataList.filter(item => item.sons.findIndex(x => x.id === rowId) >= 0)[0]).sons.find(item => rowId == item.id));
nextTick(() => {
const input = myEditingSonBridgeInputRef.value;
const saveSon = (rowId: string,colId:string) => {
Object.assign((dataList.filter(item => item.sons.find(x => x.id === rowId) !== undefined)[0]).sons.filter(item => rowId == item.id)[0], editableSonItemData[rowId+colId]);
delete editableSonItemData[rowId+colId];
<a-table :columns="columns" rowkey="id" :data-source="dataList" bordered class="components-table-demo-nested">
<!-- 本级表格模板 -->
<template #bodyCell="{ column, record, text }">
<template v-if="column.id === 'Number' || column.id === 'Name'">
<div class="editable-cell">
<div v-if="editableItemData[record.id+column.id]" class="editable-cell-input-wrapper">
<a-input v-model:value="editableItemData[record.id+column.id][column.id]" :ref="setMyEditingInputRef"
@blur="saveParent(record.id,column.id)" @pressEnter="saveParent(record.id,column.id)" />
<check-outlined class="editable-cell-icon-check" @click="saveParent(record.id,column.id)" />
<div v-else @dblclick="editParent(record.id,column.id)" class="editable-cell-input-wrapper">
{{ text }}
<edit-outlined class="editable-cell-icon" @click="editParent(record.id,column.id)" ></edit-outlined>
<!-- 子级表格模板 -->
<template #expandedRowRender="{ record }">
<a-table :columns="innerColumns" rowkey="id" :data-source="record.sons" bordered :pagination="false">
<template #bodyCell="{ column, record, text }">
<template v-if="column.id === 'Name' || column.id === 'Number'">
<div class="editable-cell">
<div v-if="editableSonItemData[record.id+column.id]" class="editable-cell-input-wrapper">
<a-input v-model:value="editableSonItemData[record.id+column.id][column.id]"
:ref="setMyEditingSonBridgeInputRef" @blur="saveSon(record.id,column.id)" @pressEnter="saveSon(record.id,column.id)" />
<check-outlined class="editable-cell-icon-check" @click="saveSon(record.id,column.id)" />
<div v-else @dblclick="editSon(record.id,column.id)" class="editable-cell-text-wrapper">
{{ text || '' }}
<edit-outlined class="editable-cell-icon" @click="editSon(record.id,column.id)"></edit-outlined>
<template v-else-if="column.id === 'operation'">
<span class="table-operation">
<template #overlay>
<a-menu-item>Action 1</a-menu-item>
<a-menu-item>Action 2</a-menu-item>
<down-outlined />
<template v-else>
<span :style="{ color: 'blue' }">{{ record[column.id] }}</span>
<style lang="less" scoped>
.editable-cell {
position: relative;
.editable-cell-text-wrapper {
padding-right: 24px;
.editable-cell-text-wrapper {
padding: 5px 24px 5px 5px;
.editable-cell-icon-check {
position: absolute;
right: 0;
width: 20px;
cursor: pointer;
.editable-cell-icon {
margin-top: 4px;
display: none;
.editable-cell-icon-check {
line-height: 28px;
.editable-cell-icon-check:hover {
color: #108ee9;
.editable-add-btn {
margin-bottom: 8px;
.editable-cell:hover .editable-cell-icon {
display: inline-block;