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simpleMindMap.js 思维脑图-vue

2024-08-14 00:08:20 前端知识 前端哥 1061 730 我要收藏
  1. 大佬git代码地址:GitHub - wanglin2/mind-map: 一个还算强大的Web思维导图。A relatively powerful web mind map.
  2. 开发API文档:思绪思维导图


注:以下是个人实际项目中的部分代码,需要注意的是里面的一些样式组件使用的是我们公司自己封装的样式控件【WinDesign】,在外网环境无法安装,各位可以根据实际需要用【Element - The world's most popular Vue UI framework】进行替换,使用方式相同。



    data: {
        // 节点文本
        text: '根节点',
        // 图片
        image: 'xxx.jpg',
        imageTitle: '图片名称',
        imageSize: {
            width: 1152,
            height: 1152
        // 图标
        icon: ['priority_1'],
        // 标签
        tag: ['标签1', '标签2'],
        // 链接
        hyperlink: 'http://lxqnsys.com/',
        hyperlinkTitle: '理想青年实验室',
        // 备注内容
        note: '理想青年实验室\n一个有意思的角落',
        // 概要
        generalization: {
            text: '概要的内容'
        // 节点是否展开
        expand: true,
    children: []// 子节点


npm i simple-mind-map



// 脑图SimpleMindMap开发文档地址:https://wanglin2.github.io/mind-map/#/doc/zh/start/使用
import MindMap from "simple-mind-map";
import Export from 'simple-mind-map/src/plugins/Export.js'
import ExportPDF from 'simple-mind-map/src/plugins/ExportPDF.js'
import ExportXMind from 'simple-mind-map/src/plugins/ExportXMind.js'
import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash'
import themeConfig from "./themeConfig.js"
import iconList from "./iconList.js"

let mindMap = null;

let wnMindMap = {
	// 初始化脑图
	 * @param id 脑图容器
	 * @param data 数据结构【树状结构】
	initMind: function (id, data) {
		return mindMap = new MindMap({
			el: document.getElementById(id),
			data: data,
			layout: 'logicalStructure', // 布局类型--logicalStructure(逻辑结构图-默认)、mindMap(思维导图)、catalogOrganization(目录组织图)、organizationStructure(组织结构图)、timeline(v0.5.4+,时间轴)、timeline2(v0.5.4+,上下交替型时间轴)、fishbone(v0.5.4+,鱼骨图)
			// fit: true,
			readonly: false, // 只读模式
			iconList: iconList, // 注册图标
			// theme: 'classic2', // 主题
			themeConfig: themeConfig, // 主题配置,会和所选择的主题进行合并
			initRootNodePosition: ['30%', '50%'], // 初始根节点的位置,可传一个数组,默认为['center', 'center']
			textAutoWrapWidth: 600, // 节点内每行文本达到该宽度后自动换行
			defaultInsertSecondLevelNodeText: '二级节点	', // 默认插入的二级节点的文字
			defaultInsertBelowSecondLevelNodeText: '分支主题', // 默认插入的二级以下节点的文字
			defaultGeneralizationText: '概要', // 插入概要的默认文本
			// 自定义备注内容
			customNoteContentShow: {
				show: (content, left, top) => {
					// 在这里显示你的自定义弹窗
					// content表示你插入的备注的内容,left和top时弹窗应该显示的位置,你需要将你的弹窗元素设置成fixed定位
					let isCustomNoteContent = document.getElementById('isCustomNoteContent')
					isCustomNoteContent.style.position = 'fixed'
					isCustomNoteContent.style.left = `${left}px`
					isCustomNoteContent.style.top = `${top}px`
					isCustomNoteContent.innerHTML = `${content}`
					isCustomNoteContent.style.display = 'block'

					return isCustomNoteContent
				hide: () => {
					// 在这里隐藏你的自定义弹窗
					// 你也可以选择不在鼠标移出备注图标时隐藏弹窗,比如可以在画布被点击时隐藏

	// 插入子节点
	addInsertChildNode: function () {

	// 插入多个子节点
	 * @param childList 要插入的子节点数据的数组,必传。
	 *childList: [
				data: {
					text: '自定义节点1'
	addMulitChildNode: function (childList) {
		mindMap.execCommand('INSERT_MULTI_CHILD_NODE', [], childList)

	// 添加兄弟节点
	addPeerNode: function () {

	 * 插入多个同级节点
	 * @param nodeList 插入的同级节点数据的数组,必传。
	*nodeList: [
				data: {
					text: '自定义节点1'
	addMorePeerNode: function (nodeList) {
		mindMap.execCommand('INSERT_NODE', [], nodeList)

	// 插入父节点
	addParentNode: function () {

	// 删除节点---会删除当前激活的所有节点
	removeNode: function () {

	// 仅删除当前节点---仅删除激活的节点,子节点不会被删除
	removeCurrentNode: function () {

	// 前进一次
	forwardNode: function () {

	// 后退一次
	backNode: function () {

	 * 添加图标
	 * @param {*传入数据} data 
	 * data: {
	 * 	activeNodes: '', // 当前选中的节点数组
			type: '', // 图标类型
			name: '', // 图标名称
			NodeIconList: [], // 图标列表
			currentIconList: [] // 当前节点icon列表
	addIconNode: function (data) {
		// 获取当前选中节点的图标
		// console.log(data, '--------------------')
		let key = data.type + '_' + data.name
		let NodeIconListNew = []
		let currentIconList = cloneDeep(data.currentIconList) || []
		// 检查当前节点是否存在该图标
		let index = currentIconList.findIndex(item => {
			return item === key
		// 存在则删除icon
		if (index !== -1) {
			currentIconList.splice(index, 1)
		} else {
			// 否则判断当前图标是否和要插入的图标是一个组的
			let typeIndex = currentIconList.findIndex(item => {
				return item.split('_')[0] === data.type
			// 是一个组的则进行替换
			if (typeIndex !== -1) {
				currentIconList.splice(typeIndex, 1, key)
			} else {
				// 否则添加icon
		data.activeNodes.forEach(node => {
		NodeIconListNew = this.isCheckIcon([...currentIconList], this.removeCheckIcon(data.NodeIconList), data.type, data.name)

		return {
			NodeIconListNew: NodeIconListNew,
			currentIconList: [...currentIconList]

	 * 图标列表某个图标是否选中
	 * @param {*当前节点icon列表} currentIconList 
	 * @param {*图标列表} NodeIconList 
	 * @param {*图标类型} type 
	 * @param {*图标名称} name 
	isCheckIcon: function (currentIconList, NodeIconList, type, name) {
		let NodeIconListNew = cloneDeep(NodeIconList)
		if (currentIconList.length > 0) {
			currentIconList.forEach(item => {
				NodeIconListNew.forEach(cItem => {
					if (item.split('_')[0] === cItem.type) {
						cItem.list.forEach(fItem => {
							if (item.split('_')[1] === fItem.name) {
								fItem.isChecked = true
							} else {
								fItem.isChecked = false
		} else {
			NodeIconListNew = cloneDeep(this.removeCheckIcon(NodeIconListNew))
		return NodeIconListNew

	 * 消除全部图标的选中状态
	 * @param {*图标列表} NodeIconList 
	 * @returns 
	removeCheckIcon: function (NodeIconList) {
		let NodeIconListNew = cloneDeep(NodeIconList)
		NodeIconListNew.forEach(item => {
			item.list.forEach(cItem => {
				cItem.isChecked = false
		return NodeIconListNew

	 * 获取节点当前位置信息【获取节点的尺寸和位置信息,宽高是应用了缩放效果后的实际宽高,位置信息相对于画布。】
	 * @param {*当前节点} node 
	getNodePositionXY: function (node) {
		return node.getRectInSvg()

	 * 设置画布缩放
	 * @param {*缩放比例,必传} scale 
	 * @param {*以画布指定位置进行缩放,默认为画布中心点} cx 
	 * @param {*以画布指定位置进行缩放,默认为画布中心点} cy 
	setScale: function (scale, cx, cy) {
		mindMap.view.setScale(scale, cx, cy)

	 * 插入超链接
	 * @param {*当前节点} node 
	 * @param {*链接地址} url 
	 * @param {*链接名称} name 
	setHyperlink: function (node, url, name) {
		node.setHyperlink(url, name)

	 * 插入概要
	 * @param {*概要数据} data 
	 *默认: { text: '概要' }
	addGeneralization: function (data) {
		mindMap.execCommand('ADD_GENERALIZATION', data)

	// 容器尺寸变化后,需要调用该方法进行适应【容器内容没有自适应】
	mindMapResize: function () {

	// 缩放思维导图至适应画布
	mindMapFit: function () {

	 * 插入备注
	 * @param {*当前节点} node 
	 * @param {*备注信息} data 
	setNote: function (node, data) {

	 * 获取节点的尺寸和位置信息,宽高是应用了缩放效果后的实际宽高,位置是相对于浏览器窗口左上角的位置。
	 * @param {*当前节点} node 
	 * @returns 
	getRect: function (node) {
		return node.getRect()

	 * 导出为png图片
	 * @param {* 导出文件名称} fileName 
	mindMapExportPng: function (fileName) {
		mindMap.doExport.png().then((data) => {
			let a = document.createElement('a')
			a.href = data // .png、.svg、.pdf、.md、.json、.smm
			a.download = fileName + '.png'

	// 导出svg
	mindMapExportSvg: function (fileName) {
		mindMap.doExport.svg('', false, `* { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; }`).then((data) => {
			let a = document.createElement('a')
			a.href = data // .png、.svg、.pdf、.md、.json、.smm
			a.download = fileName + '.svg'

	// 导出pdf
	mindMapExportPDF: function (fileName) {
		mindMap.doExport.pdf().then((data) => {
			let a = document.createElement('a')
			a.href = data // .png、.svg、.pdf、.md、.json、.smm
			a.download = fileName + '.pdf'

	// 导出xmind
	mindMapExportXmind: function (fileName) {
		mindMap.doExport.xmind().then((data) => {
			let a = document.createElement('a')
			a.href = data // .png、.svg、.pdf、.md、.json、.smm
			a.download = fileName + '.xmind'

	 * 添加标签
	 * @param {* 当前节点} node 
	 * @param {* 标签列表} tagArry 
	setTag: function (node, tagArry) {

	// 销毁导图
	mindMapDestroy: function () {

	 * 获取导图数据
	 * @param {* Boolean, 默认为false, 即获取的数据只包括节点树, 如果传true则会包含主题、布局、视图等数据 } withConfig 
	mindMapGetData: function (withConfig = false) {
		let mindData = mindMap.getData(withConfig)
		console.log('导图数据==>', JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(mindData)))
		return mindData

	 * 修改节点内容
	 * @param {* 当前节点} node 
	 * @param {* 修改的内容} text 
	setText: function (node, text) {

	 * 设置脑图主题
	 * @param {* 主题} theme 
	setTheme: function (theme) {

export default wnMindMap


let iconList = [
		"name": "优先级图标",
		"type": "priority",
		"list": [
				"name": "1",
				"icon": "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 1024 1024\"><path d=\"M512.042667 1024C229.248 1024 0 794.794667 0 511.957333 0 229.205333 229.248 0 512.042667 0 794.752 0 1024 229.205333 1024 511.957333 1024 794.794667 794.752 1024 512.042667 1024z\" fill=\"#E93B30\"></path><path d=\"M580.309333 256h-75.52c-10.666667 29.824-30.165333 55.765333-58.709333 78.165333-28.416 22.314667-54.869333 37.418667-79.146667 45.397334v84.608a320 320 0 0 0 120.234667-70.698667v352.085333H580.266667V256z\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\"></path></svg>"
				"name": "2",
				"icon": "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 1024 1024\"><path d=\"M511.957333 1024C229.248 1024 0 794.752 0 512S229.248 0 511.957333 0C794.752 0 1024 229.248 1024 512s-229.248 512-512.042667 512z\" fill=\"#FA8D2E\"></path><path d=\"M667.946667 658.602667h-185.301334c4.864-8.533333 11.178667-17.066667 19.072-25.984 7.808-8.874667 26.453333-26.837333 55.936-53.888 29.525333-27.008 49.877333-47.786667 61.226667-62.165334 16.981333-21.717333 29.44-42.453333 37.290667-62.293333 7.808-19.84 11.776-40.746667 11.776-62.677333 0-38.570667-13.738667-70.741333-41.088-96.725334C599.466667 268.928 561.706667 256 513.834667 256c-43.690667 0-80.128 11.136-109.354667 33.578667-29.098667 22.4-46.506667 59.306667-52.010667 110.805333l93.184 9.301333c1.792-27.349333 8.405333-46.890667 19.754667-58.624 11.434667-11.776 26.837333-17.664 46.165333-17.664 19.541333 0 34.858667 5.589333 45.909334 16.768 11.136 11.264 16.682667 27.221333 16.682666 48.042667 0 18.858667-6.4 37.930667-19.242666 57.258667-9.472 14.037333-35.157333 40.533333-77.098667 79.872-52.096 48.554667-87.04 87.509333-104.704 116.821333A226.688 226.688 0 0 0 341.333333 745.429333h326.613334v-86.826666z\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\"></path></svg>"
				"name": "3",
				"icon": "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 1024 1024\"><path d=\"M512 0C229.248 0 0 229.248 0 512s229.248 512 512 512 512-229.248 512-512S794.752 0 512 0z\" fill=\"#2E66FA\"></path><path d=\"M627.754667 731.733333c-29.354667 25.088-66.901333 37.632-112.725334 37.632-44.928 0-81.792-11.52-110.592-34.773333-33.066667-26.538667-49.877333-64.469333-50.304-114.133333h92.16c0.426667 21.76 7.552 38.314667 21.333334 49.664 12.288 10.88 28.117333 16.341333 47.402666 16.341333 20.309333 0 36.778667-6.101333 49.322667-18.432 12.544-12.330667 18.773333-29.568 18.773333-51.797333 0-21.290667-6.229333-38.186667-18.773333-50.773334-12.544-12.501333-29.866667-18.773333-52.138667-18.773333h-13.525333v-80.042667H512c42.112 0 63.274667-21.034667 63.274667-63.146666 0-20.309333-5.888-36.096-17.706667-47.445334a60.757333 60.757333 0 0 0-43.818667-17.066666c-17.493333 0-32 5.504-43.434666 16.298666-11.562667 10.88-17.792 25.728-18.773334 44.714667H359.68c0.981333-43.946667 16.042667-78.976 45.397333-104.96 29.354667-25.941333 65.706667-39.04 109.226667-39.04 44.928 0 81.792 13.525333 110.592 40.490667 28.8 26.922667 43.306667 61.610667 43.306667 104.149333 0 48.213333-19.413333 82.688-58.154667 103.552 43.52 23.125333 65.28 61.44 65.28 114.858667 0 48.128-15.957333 85.76-47.573333 112.682666z\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\"></path></svg>"
				"name": "4",
				"icon": "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 1024 1024\"><path d=\"M512.042667 1024C229.248 1024 0 794.794667 0 512.042667 0 229.205333 229.248 0 512.042667 0 794.752 0 1024 229.205333 1024 512.042667 1024 794.794667 794.752 1024 512.042667 1024z\" fill=\"#6D768D\"></path><path d=\"M600.96 256v309.802667h60.117333v81.536h-60.16v98.218666h-90.154666v-98.218666H311.466667v-81.237334L522.666667 256h78.293333zM510.72 399.104l-112.042667 166.698667h112.042667V399.104z\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\"></path></svg>"
				"name": "5",
				"icon": "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 1024 1024\"><path d=\"M512.042667 1024C229.248 1024 0 794.794667 0 512.042667 0 229.205333 229.248 0 512.042667 0 794.752 0 1024 229.205333 1024 512.042667 1024 794.794667 794.752 1024 512.042667 1024z\" fill=\"#6D768D\"></path><path d=\"M470.912 343.552h175.786667V256H400.256l-47.786667 253.952 75.434667 10.837333c21.205333-23.552 45.269333-35.413333 72.021333-35.413333 21.546667 0 38.997333 7.509333 52.437334 22.4 13.312 15.018667 20.053333 37.418667 20.053333 67.328 0 31.872-6.741333 55.765333-20.181333 71.552-13.397333 15.872-29.866667 23.765333-49.237334 23.765333-17.066667 0-32.085333-6.186667-45.013333-18.432-13.013333-12.373333-20.821333-29.013333-23.466667-50.133333L341.333333 611.498667c5.546667 40.874667 22.485333 73.429333 50.730667 97.621333 28.330667 24.32 64.938667 36.437333 109.866667 36.437333 56.149333 0 100.053333-21.546667 131.754666-64.554666a176.64 176.64 0 0 0 34.816-107.52c0-48.042667-14.378667-87.210667-43.221333-117.333334-28.8-30.208-63.957333-45.312-105.514667-45.312-21.674667 0-42.922667 5.248-63.829333 15.616l14.976-82.901333z\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\"></path></svg>"
				"name": "6",
				"icon": "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 1024 1024\"><path d=\"M512 1024C229.248 1024 0 794.794667 0 512.042667 0 229.205333 229.248 0 512 0c282.88 0 512 229.205333 512 512.042667C1024 794.794667 794.88 1024 512 1024z\" fill=\"#6D768D\"></path><path d=\"M519.210667 256c36.992 0 67.626667 10.368 91.776 31.189333 24.192 20.821333 39.68 51.029333 46.293333 90.709334l-90.197333 9.984c-2.176-18.56-7.978667-32.298667-17.28-41.173334-9.258667-8.874667-21.418667-13.226667-36.224-13.226666-19.754667 0-36.437333 8.789333-50.048 26.453333-13.696 17.664-22.314667 54.613333-25.856 110.549333 23.296-27.52 52.138667-41.258667 86.656-41.258666 38.997333 0 72.362667 14.805333 100.181333 44.544 27.733333 29.696 41.685333 68.010667 41.685333 114.858666 0 49.877333-14.634667 89.856-43.818666 119.936-29.226667 30.208-66.730667 45.226667-112.554667 45.226667-49.066667 0-89.429333-19.072-121.130667-57.344C357.12 658.218667 341.333333 595.541333 341.333333 508.416c0-89.344 16.469333-153.813333 49.493334-193.194667C423.722667 275.754667 466.56 256 519.168 256z m-9.472 241.834667c-17.962667 0-33.066667 6.997333-45.525334 21.12-12.330667 14.037333-18.56 34.858667-18.56 62.293333 0 30.421333 6.912 53.76 20.906667 70.4 13.952 16.469333 29.866667 24.746667 47.786667 24.746667 17.28 0 31.701333-6.826667 43.178666-20.309334 11.52-13.525333 17.237333-35.669333 17.237334-66.56 0-31.658667-6.186667-54.869333-18.517334-69.546666a58.197333 58.197333 0 0 0-46.506666-22.144z\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\"></path></svg>"
				"name": "7",
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		borderRadius: 5,
		textDecoration: 'none',
		gradientStyle: false,
		startColor: '#549688',
		endColor: '#fff',
		// 连线标记的位置,start(头部)、end(尾部),该配置在showLineMarker配置为true时生效
		lineMarkerDir: 'end'
	// 二级节点样式
	second: {
		shape: 'rectangle',
		marginX: 100,
		marginY: 40,
		fillColor: '#fff',
		fontFamily: '微软雅黑, Microsoft YaHei',
		color: '#565656',
		fontSize: 16,
		fontWeight: 'noraml',
		fontStyle: 'normal',
		lineHeight: 1.5,
		borderColor: '#549688',
		borderWidth: 1,
		borderDasharray: 'none',
		borderRadius: 5,
		textDecoration: 'none',
		gradientStyle: false,
		startColor: '#549688',
		endColor: '#fff',
		lineMarkerDir: 'end'
	// 三级及以下节点样式
	node: {
		shape: 'rectangle',
		marginX: 50,
		marginY: 5,
		fillColor: 'transparent',
		fontFamily: '微软雅黑, Microsoft YaHei',
		color: '#6a6d6c',
		fontSize: 14,
		fontWeight: 'noraml',
		fontStyle: 'normal',
		lineHeight: 1.5,
		borderColor: '#549688',
		borderWidth: 1,
		borderRadius: 5,
		borderDasharray: 'none',
		textDecoration: 'none',
		gradientStyle: false,
		startColor: '#549688',
		endColor: '#fff',
		lineMarkerDir: 'end'
	// 概要节点样式
	generalization: {
		shape: 'rectangle',
		marginX: 100,
		marginY: 40,
		fillColor: '#fff',
		fontFamily: '微软雅黑, Microsoft YaHei',
		color: '#565656',
		fontSize: 16,
		fontWeight: 'noraml',
		fontStyle: 'normal',
		lineHeight: 1.5,
		borderColor: '#549688',
		borderWidth: 1,
		borderDasharray: 'none',
		borderRadius: 5,
		textDecoration: 'none',
		gradientStyle: false,
		startColor: '#549688',
		endColor: '#fff'

export default themeConfig



  <div class="simpleMindMap">
    <div class="toolbarContainer">
      <div class="toolbar">
        <div class="toolbarBlock">
          <div class="toolbarNodeBtnList">
            <!-- <div class="toolbarBtn">
              <w-button icon="w-icon-reply" size="mini" style="width:100%;" :disabled="isStart" @click="backNode()"></w-button>
              <span class="text">回退</span>
            <div class="toolbarBtn">
              <w-button icon="w-icon-repost" size="mini" style="width:100%;" :disabled="isEnd" @click="forwardNode()"></w-button>
              <span class="text">前进</span>
            </div> -->
            <div class="toolbarBtn">
              <w-select v-model="themeVal" placeholder="请选择" ref="select" style="width: 120px;" @change="themeChange">
                <w-option v-for="(item, index) in themeList" :key="index" :label="item.name" :value="item.value"></w-option>
              <span class="text">主题</span>
            <div class="toolbarBtn">
              <w-button icon="w-icon-list-solid" size="mini" style="width:100%;" :disabled="!(activeNodes.length > 0 && !hasRoot && !hasGeneralization)" @click="addPeerNode()"></w-button>
              <span class="text">同级节点</span>
            <div class="toolbarBtn">
              <w-button icon="w-icon-list-tree" size="mini" style="width:100%;" :disabled="!(activeNodes.length > 0 && !hasGeneralization)" @click="addChildNode()"></w-button>
              <span class="text">子节点</span>
            <div class="toolbarBtn">
              <w-button icon="w-icon-delete" size="mini" style="width:100%;" :disabled="!(activeNodes.length > 0)" @click="removeNode()"></w-button>
              <span class="text">删除节点</span>
            <div class="toolbarBtn">
              <w-popover trigger="hover" title="" :disabled="!(activeNodes.length > 0)" placement="bottom-end" :popper-class="'iconBodyList'">
                <w-list split style="max-width: 380px;overflow: hidden;overflow-y: auto;" class="iconList-list">
                  <w-list-item v-for="(item, index) in NodeIconList" :key="index">
                    <w-list-item-meta :title="item.name">
                      <div slot="description">
                        <div class="icon-list">
                          <div class="icon-item" :class="cItem.isChecked ? 'icon-item-actived' : ''" v-for="(cItem, j) in item.list" :key="j" v-html="cItem.icon" @click="addIconNode(item.type, cItem.name)"></div>
                <w-button slot="reference" icon="w-icon-good" size="mini" style="width:100%;" :disabled="!(activeNodes.length > 0)"></w-button>
              <span class="text">图标</span>
            <div class="toolbarBtn">
              <w-button icon="w-icon-link" size="mini" style="width:100%;" :disabled="!(activeNodes.length > 0)" @click="addNodeLink()"></w-button>
              <span class="text">超链接</span>
            <div class="toolbarBtn">
              <w-button icon="w-icon-theme-solid" size="mini" style="width:100%;" :disabled="!(activeNodes.length > 0 && !hasRoot && !hasGeneralization)" @click="addGeneralization()"></w-button>
              <span class="text">概要</span>
            <div class="toolbarBtn">
              <w-button icon="w-icon-remarks" size="mini" style="width:100%;" :disabled="!(activeNodes.length > 0)" @click="nodeSetNote()"></w-button>
              <span class="text">备注</span>
            <div class="toolbarBtn">
              <w-button icon="w-icon-flag" size="mini" style="width:100%;" :disabled="!(activeNodes.length > 0)" @click="nodeSetTag()"></w-button>
              <span class="text">标签</span>
            <div class="toolbarBtn">
              <w-button icon="w-icon-export2" size="mini" style="width:100%;" @click="mindExport()"></w-button>
              <span class="text">导出图片</span>
            <div class="toolbarBtn">
              <w-button icon="w-icon-cache" size="mini" style="width:100%;" @click="submitMind()"></w-button>
              <span class="text">保存</span>
            <div class="toolbarBtn">
              <w-input-number v-model="scaleVal" controls-position="both-sides" unit="%" @decrease="setScale" @increase="setScale" @change="setScale" :increment="10" :min="0" :precision="0"></w-input-number>
              <span class="text">缩放</span>
        <!-- <div class="toolbarBlock"></div> -->
    <div id="mindMapContainer"></div>

    <!-- 节点图标类型弹窗 -->
    <div class="icon-posotion" :style="{'left': iconPosotion.left + 'px', 'top': iconPosotion.top + 'px'}" v-if="iconPosotionShow">
        <w-list split style="max-width: 250px;overflow: hidden;overflow-y: auto;" class="iconList-list">
          <w-list-item v-for="(item, index) in clickIconList" :key="index">
            <w-list-item-meta :title="item.name">
              <div slot="description">
                <div class="icon-list">
                  <div class="icon-item" :class="cItem.isChecked ? 'icon-item-actived' : ''" v-for="(cItem, j) in item.list" :key="j" v-html="cItem.icon" @click="addIconNode(item.type, cItem.name)"></div>

    <!-- 备注自定义弹窗 -->
    <div id="isCustomNoteContent" class="ql-editor"></div>

    <!-- 添加超链接弹窗 -->
    <NodeLinkModal :visible.sync="nodeLinkDialog" :infromData="infromData" @nodeLinkData="nodeLinkData"></NodeLinkModal>

    <!-- 添加备注弹窗 -->
    <NodeNoteModal :visible.sync="nodeNoteDialog" :nodeNoteContent="nodeNoteContent" @updateNodeNote="updateNodeNote"></NodeNoteModal>

    <!-- 添加标签弹窗 -->
    <NodeTagModal :visible.sync="nodeTagDialog" :infromData="nodeTagArr" @nodeTagData="nodeTagData"></NodeTagModal>


import wnMindMap from "@/utils/simpleMindMap/index.js"
// import { nodeIconList } from 'simple-mind-map/src/svg/icons' // 自带的icon图标列表,我是将其copy出来,然后自己添加的
import NodeLinkModal from './modal/nodeLinkModal.vue'
import NodeNoteModal from './modal/nodeNoteModal.vue'
import NodeTagModal from './modal/nodeTagModal.vue'
import { isEmpty, isUndefined, isNull, cloneDeep } from 'lodash'
import nodeIconList from '@/utils/simpleMindMap/iconList.js' // 自己定义的icon列表
import { themeList } from 'simple-mind-map/src/constants/constant' // 自带的主题列表

export default {
  components: { NodeLinkModal, NodeNoteModal, NodeTagModal},
  name: "simpleMindMap",
  data () {
    return {
      mindMap: null,
      activeNodes: [],
      mindMapData: {
        "data": {
          "text": "根节点"
        "children": []
      isStart: true,
      isEnd: true,
      NodeIconList: [], // 所有图标列表
      currentIconList: [], // 当前节点图标列表
      clickIconList: [], // 节点图标类型列表
      iconPosotion: { // 节点图标列表弹窗位置
        left: 0,
        top: 0
      iconPosotionShow: false, // 节点图标类型列表弹窗
      nodeActiveIcon: '', // 点击的节点图标
      scaleVal: 100, // 默认缩放比例
      nodeLinkDialog: false, // 节点超链接弹窗
      infromData: {
        url: '',
        name: ''
      nodeNoteDialog: false,
      nodeNoteContent: '',
      nodeTagDialog: false,
      nodeTagArr: [],
      themeVal: 'default',
      themeList: [],
  computed: {
    // 是否是根节点---根节点不能添加兄弟节点
    hasRoot () {
      return this.activeNodes.findIndex(node => {
        return node.isRoot
      }) !== -1
    // 是否是概要节点---概要节点则子节点、兄弟节点、概要节点、关联线都不能添加
    hasGeneralization () {
      return this.activeNodes.findIndex(node => {
        return node.isGeneralization
      }) !== -1
  mounted () {
    console.log(themeList, '===============')
    this.themeList = themeList
  methods: {
    // 选择主题
    themeChange (val) {

    init () {
      this.NodeIconList = cloneDeep(nodeIconList.filter(fItem => fItem && (fItem.name !== '附件图标' && fItem.name !== '核心流程')))
      console.log(this.NodeIconList, '====图标列表===')

      // 初始化
      this.mindMap = wnMindMap.initMind('mindMapContainer', this.mindMapData)

      // 监听节点激活事件--默认是单选节点不可多选节点
      let _this = this
      this.mindMap.on('node_active', (node, nodeList) => {
        _this.activeNodes = cloneDeep(nodeList)
        console.log(_this.activeNodes, '====_this.activeNodes======')
        _this.currentIconList = []
        if (_this.activeNodes.length > 0) {
          _this.activeNodes.forEach(itemNode => {
            _this.currentIconList = itemNode.getData('icon') || []
            // console.log(this.currentIconList, '--------当前选中节点的图标列表--------')
            let NodeIconListNew = cloneDeep(_this.NodeIconList)
            if (_this.currentIconList.length > 0) { // 当前节点有图标时才走这一步
              _this.NodeIconList = wnMindMap.isCheckIcon(_this.currentIconList, wnMindMap.removeCheckIcon(NodeIconListNew))
            } else { // 如果当前选中节点没有图标,则清空图标列表中的选中效果
              _this.NodeIconList = wnMindMap.removeCheckIcon(NodeIconListNew)
        } else {
          _this.iconPosotionShow = false

      // 监听前进回退事件
      this.mindMap.on('back_forward', (index, len) => {
        _this.isStart = index <= 0
        _this.isEnd = index >= len - 1

      // 节点单击事件
      this.mindMap.on('node_click', (itemNode, e) => {
        console.log(itemNode, e, '节点单击事件')

      // 点击节点内的图标时触发	
      this.mindMap.on('node_icon_click', (node, item, e) => {
        console.log(node, item, '点击节点内的图标时触发')
        _this.iconPosotionShow = true
        _this.nodeActiveIcon = cloneDeep(item)
        let positionXY = wnMindMap.getNodePositionXY(node)
        _this.iconPosotion.left = positionXY.left
        _this.iconPosotion.top = positionXY.top + positionXY.height + 6

      // 监听画布缩放事件
      this.mindMap.on('scale', (val) => {
        // console.log(val, '监听画布缩放事件')
        _this.scaleVal = val * 100
        _this.activeNodes.forEach(node => {
          let positionXY = wnMindMap.getNodePositionXY(node)
          _this.iconPosotion.left = positionXY.left
          _this.iconPosotion.top = positionXY.top + positionXY.height + 6

          console.log(positionXY, '=====111111111111=======')
          _this.nodeSelectPosotion.top = positionXY.top - 2
          _this.nodeSelectPosotion.left = positionXY.left + positionXY.width + 4

      // svg画布的鼠标按下事件监听
      this.mindMap.on('svg_mousedown', (e) => {

      // 浏览器窗口变化监听
      window.addEventListener("resize", () => {
        if (_this.mindMap) {

    // 处理点击的图标数据
    dealNodeIcon () {
      let type = this.nodeActiveIcon.split('_')[0]
      this.clickIconList = this.NodeIconList.filter(fItem => fItem && fItem.type === type)

    // 添加子节点
    addChildNode () {
      if (this.activeNodes.length > 0) {
        if (this.hasGeneralization) {
      } else {

    // 添加兄弟节点
    addPeerNode () {
      if (this.activeNodes.length > 0) {
        if (this.hasRoot || this.hasGeneralization) {
          this.$Message.warning(this.hasRoot ? '根节点不能添加兄弟节点!' : '概要节点节点不能添加兄弟节点!')
      } else {

    // 后退
    backNode () {

    // 前进
    forwardNode () {

    // 删除节点
    removeNode () {

    // 添加图标
    addIconNode (type, name) {
      let NodeIconListNew = cloneDeep(this.NodeIconList)
      let param = {
        activeNodes: this.activeNodes,
        type: type,
        name: name,
        NodeIconList: NodeIconListNew,
        currentIconList: this.currentIconList
      let list = wnMindMap.addIconNode(param)
      this.NodeIconList = list.NodeIconListNew // 更新当前节点图标列表状态
      this.currentIconList = list.currentIconList // 更新当前节点的图标列表


    // 缩放
    setScale (val) {
      wnMindMap.setScale(val / 100)

    // 节点添加超链接
    addNodeLink () {
      this.nodeLinkDialog = true
      const url = this.activeNodes[0].getData('hyperlink') || ''
      const name = this.activeNodes[0].getData('hyperlinkTitle') || ''
      // console.log(url, name)
      this.infromData = {
        url: url,
        name: name

    // 节点添加超链接-确定
    nodeLinkData (data) {
      // console.log(data, '节点添加超链接-确定')
      this.activeNodes.forEach(node => {
        wnMindMap.setHyperlink(node, data.url, data.name)

    // 插入概要
    addGeneralization () {

    // 添加备注
    nodeSetNote () {
      this.nodeNoteDialog = true
      this.activeNodes.forEach(node => {
        const note = node.getData('note') || ''
        this.nodeNoteContent = note
        // console.log(note)

    // 添加备注-确定
    updateNodeNote (data) {
      this.activeNodes.forEach(node => {
        wnMindMap.setNote(node, data)

    // 隐藏自定义备注弹窗
    hideletCustomNoteContent () {
      let isCustomNoteContent = document.getElementById('isCustomNoteContent')
      isCustomNoteContent.style.display = 'none'

    // 导出图片 -- 导出其他格式文件,可根据 utils/simpleMindMap/index.js 自行调用
    mindExport () {
      let mindData = wnMindMap.mindMapGetData()

    // 添加标签
    nodeSetTag () {
      // 获取当前节点的标签列表
      this.activeNodes.forEach(node => {
        let tagArr = node.getData('tag') || []
        this.nodeTagArr = tagArr
      this.nodeTagDialog = true

    // 添加标签确定
    nodeTagData (data) {
      this.activeNodes.forEach(node => {
        wnMindMap.setTag(node, data)

    // 保存
    submitMind () {

<style lang='scss' scoped>
.simpleMindMap {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  background-color: #fff;
  position: relative;

  .toolbarContainer {
    .toolbar {
      position: absolute;
      left: 50%;
      transform: translateX(-50%);
      top: 20px;
      width: max-content;
      display: flex;
      font-size: 12px;
      font-family: PingFangSC-Regular, PingFang SC;
      font-weight: 400;
      color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.8);
      z-index: 2;

      .toolbarBlock {
        display: flex;
        background-color: #fff;
        padding: 10px 20px;
        border-radius: 6px;
        box-shadow: 0 2px 16px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06);
        border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06);
        margin-right: 20px;
        flex-shrink: 0;
        position: relative;

        &:last-child {
          margin-right: 0px;

        .toolbarNodeBtnList {
          display: flex;

          .toolbarBtn {
            display: flex;
            justify-content: center;
            flex-direction: column;
            // cursor: pointer;
            margin-right: 20px;
            align-items: center;

            &:last-child {
              margin-right: 0px;

            .text {
              margin-top: 3px;

  #mindMapContainer {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;

  .icon-posotion {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    top: 0;

  .nodeSelectModal {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    top: 0;
    border-radius: 6px;
    box-shadow: 0 2px 16px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06);
    border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06);
    background-color: #fff;

  #isCustomNoteContent {
    display: none;
    background-color: #fff;
    padding: 10px 20px;
    border-radius: 6px;
    box-shadow: 0 2px 16px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06);
    border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06);
    max-width: 300px;
    height: auto;
    max-height: 350px;
    overflow: hidden;
    overflow-y: auto;

    p {
      font-size: 12px;

<style lang="scss">
#isCustomNoteContent {
  p {
    font-size: 14px;


        3.2、simpleMindMap/modal/nodeLinkModal.vue 【添加节点超链接弹窗】:

  <w-modal :visible.sync="openDialog" title="超链接" draggable width="40%" class="nodeLinkModal" :before-close="handleCloseDialog" append-to-body :close-on-click-modal="false">
    <div style="padding-bottom: 0px;box-sizing: border-box;">
      <w-form :model="form" label-width="50px" label-align="right" ref="form">
        <w-form-item label="链接">
          <w-input v-model="form.url" clearable placeholder="请输入链接,例如:https://xxx.xxx、http://xxx.xxx"></w-input>
        <w-form-item label="名称">
          <w-input v-model="form.name" clearable placeholder="请输入链接名称"></w-input>
    <span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
      <w-button @click="handleCloseDialog()" size="mini">取 消</w-button>
      <w-button style="margin-left: 16px" type="primary" @click="submitBtn()" size="mini">
        确 定

export default {
  name: 'nodeLinkModal',
  props: {
    visible: {
      type: Boolean,
      default: false,
    infromData: {
      type: Object,
      default: () => { },
  data () {
    return {
      openDialog: false,
      form: {
        url: '',
        name: ''
  watch: {
    'visible' (v) {
      this.openDialog = v
      if (v) {
        this.form.url = this.infromData.url
        this.form.name = this.infromData.name
  mounted () { },
  methods: {
    handleCloseDialog (done) {
      this.openDialog = false
      this.$emit('update:visible', false)

    // 确定
    submitBtn () {
      this.$emit('nodeLinkData', this.form)

<style lang='scss' scoped>
.nodeLinkModal {

        3.3、simpleMindMap/modal/nodeNoteModal.vue 【添加节点备注弹窗】:

  <w-modal :visible.sync="openDialog" title="备注" width="60%" style="margin-top: -10vh;" class="nodeNoteModal" :before-close="handleCloseDialog" append-to-body :close-on-click-modal="false">
    <div style="padding-bottom: 0px;box-sizing: border-box;display: flex;align-item: center;">
      <div class="editor-left">
        <quill-editor class="quill-editor-body" ref="myQuillEditor" v-model="content" :options="editorOption" @blur="onEditorBlur($event)" @focus="onEditorFocus($event)" @change="onEditorChange($event)">
      <div class="editor-right">
        <div class="right-head">
        <div class="right-content">
          <div class="ql-editor" v-html="content"></div>
    <span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
      <w-button @click="handleCloseDialog()" size="mini">取 消</w-button>
      <w-button style="margin-left: 16px" type="primary" @click="submitBtn()" size="mini">
        确 定

import { quillEditor } from 'vue-quill-editor' // 引入插件
import 'quill/dist/quill.core.css'
import 'quill/dist/quill.snow.css'
import 'quill/dist/quill.bubble.css'

import titleConfig from '@/utils/vue-quill-editor-titleConfig.js'

export default {
  name: "nodeNoteModal",
  components: {
  props: {
    visible: {
      type: Boolean,
      default: false,
    nodeNoteContent: {
      type: String,
      default: '',
  data () {
    return {
      openDialog: false,
      content: "",
      // 富文本功能配置
      editorOption: {
        placeholder: '请输入',
        theme: "snow",
        modules: {
          toolbar: [
            [{ 'header': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, false] }], // 几级标题
            ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strike'], //加粗,斜体,下划线,删除线
            // ['blockquote', 'code-block'],  //引用,代码块
            // [{ 'header': 1 }, { 'header': 2 }], // 标题,键值对的形式;1、2表示字体大小
            [{ 'list': 'ordered' }, { 'list': 'bullet' }],     //列表
            // [{ 'script': 'sub' }, { 'script': 'super' }],   // 上下标
            [{ 'indent': '-1' }, { 'indent': '+1' }], // 缩进
            // [{ 'direction': 'rtl' }], // 文本方向
            // [{ 'size': ['small', false, 'large', 'huge'] }], // 字体大小
            [{ size: ['12', '14', '16', '18', '20', '22', '24', '28', '32', '36'] }], // 字体大小
            [{ 'color': [] }], // 字体颜色,字体背景颜色
            // [{ 'color': [] }, { 'background': [] }], // 字体颜色,字体背景颜色
            // [{ 'font': [] }],  // 字体
            [{ 'align': [] }], // 对齐方式
            ['clean'],    // 清除字体样式
            // ['image', 'video']    //上传图片、上传视频
  watch: {
    'visible' (v) {
      this.openDialog = v
      if (v) {
        this.content = this.nodeNoteContent
        this.$nextTick(() => {
          for (let item of titleConfig) {
            let tip = document.querySelector('.quill-editor ' + item.Choice)
            if (!tip) continue
            tip.setAttribute('title', item.title)
  mounted () { },
  methods: {
    handleCloseDialog (done) {
      this.openDialog = false
      this.$emit('update:visible', false)
      this.content = ''

    // 确定
    submitBtn () {
      this.$emit('updateNodeNote', this.content)

    onEditorBlur (e) {
      // console.log(e, '失去焦点事件');
    onEditorFocus (e) {
      // console.log(e, '获得焦点事件');
    onEditorChange (e) {
      console.log(e, '内容改变事件');

<style lang='scss' scoped>
.nodeNoteModal {
  .editor-left {
    width: 65%;
  .editor-right {
    width: 35%;
    border: 1px solid #ccc;
    box-sizing: border-box;
    border-left: 0;

    .right-head {
      width: 100%;
      height: 42px;
      display: flex;
      align-items: center;
      padding: 8px;
      border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
      box-sizing: border-box;

    .right-content {
      width: 100%;
      height: calc(100% - 42px);
      padding: 10px;
      box-sizing: border-box;
<style lang="scss">
.quill-editor-body {
  padding: 0px;
  .ql-container {
    height: 480px !important;

        3.4、simpleMindMap/modal/nodeTagModal.vue 【添加节点标签弹窗】:

  <w-modal :visible.sync="openDialog" title="标签" draggable width="40%" class="nodeTagModal" :before-close="handleCloseDialog" append-to-body :close-on-click-modal="false">
    <div style="padding-bottom: 0px;box-sizing: border-box;">
      <w-input v-model="tagName" placeholder="请按回车键添加" size="large" @keyup.native="tagKeyupFn($event)"></w-input>

      <div class="tagList">
        <w-tag v-for="(tag, index) in tagList" :key="index" :closable="true" @close="handleCloseTag(index)" size="large">
          {{ tag }}
    <span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
      <w-button @click="handleCloseDialog()" size="mini">取 消</w-button>
      <w-button style="margin-left: 16px" type="primary" @click="submitBtn()" size="mini">
        确 定

export default {
  name: 'nodeTagModal',
  props: {
    visible: {
      type: Boolean,
      default: false,
    infromData: {
      type: Object,
      default: () => { },
  data () {
    return {
      openDialog: false,
      tagList: [],
      tagName: ''
  watch: {
    'visible' (v) {
      this.openDialog = v
      if (v) {
        this.tagList = this.infromData || []
  mounted () { },
  methods: {
    handleCloseDialog (done) {
      this.openDialog = false
      this.$emit('update:visible', false)

    // 添加
    tagKeyupFn (event) {
      if (event.key === "Enter" && this.tagName) {
        this.tagName = ''

    // 删除当前tag标签
    handleCloseTag (index) {
      this.tagList.splice(index, 1)

    // 确定
    submitBtn () {
      this.$emit('nodeTagData', this.tagList)

<style lang='scss' scoped>
.nodeTagModal {
  .tagList {
    margin-top: 15px;

    span.w-tag {
      margin-right: 10px;
      margin-bottom: 10px;



2024-11-30 11:11:38

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