首页 前端知识 10.0:EVO HTML 到 PDF 转换器(Java 版)

10.0:EVO HTML 到 PDF 转换器(Java 版)

2024-06-22 01:06:59 前端知识 前端哥 417 563 我要收藏

在 Java 应用程序中将 HTML 转换为 PDF
EVO HTML 到 PDF 转换器(Java 版)提供对 HTML 标签、CSS 样式、SVG 矢量图形、Canvas、Web 字体、JavaScript、使用 CSS 样式的分页符控制、PDF 页面中重复的 HTML 表页眉和页脚、PDF 中的实时 URL 和内部链接、自动生成的分层书签和目录、页眉和页脚中的 HTML 的全面支持。该库不仅仅是一个 HTML 到 PDF 转换器。您还可以使用它轻松合并、编辑和填充现有 PDF 文档。

对于 Java
EVO HTML 到 PDF 转换器 Java 客户端库可以轻松集成到您的 Java 应用程序中,以将 HTML 文档转换为 PDF、光栅图像或 SVG 矢量图像。该库是一个功能强大的工具,可帮助您直接从现有 HTML 报告即时创建格式良好且易于维护的 PDF 报告。

该转换器完全支持 HTML5、CSS3、JavaScript、SVG、Web 字体、使用 CSS 和 API 的分页符控制、自动重复的 HTML 表头和页脚、实时 URL 和内部链接、自动生成的分层书签和目录、自动生成的可填写 PDF 表单,并允许您对生成的 PDF 文档进行数字签名和密码保护。


在开始在您的应用程序中使用 Java 客户端库之前,您必须先安装EVO PDF 服务器,如下节所述。

EVO HTML to PDF Converter Client for Java

EVO HTML to PDF Client for Java can be easily integrated in Java applications on various platforms to create PDF documents from HTML pages and strings.
The library can also be used to convert HTML to images, convert HTML to SVG, create, edit and merge PDF documents.
You can see the http://www.evopdf.com/java-html-to-pdf-converter.aspx product page for a complete list of library features.

Main Features

* Create PDF documents from HTML with advanced support for CSS3, SVG, Web Fonts and JavaScript
* Automatically create PDF links, forms, bookmarks and table of contents from HTML tags
* Place the content from multiple HTML documents at any position in PDF pages, headers or footers
* Create JPEG, PNG and Bitmap raster images from HTML documents
* Create high quality SVG vector images from HTML documents
* Create PDF documents with text, graphics, images, headers and footers
* Create PDF documents with security features and digital signatures
* Create interactive PDF documents with forms, internal links, text notes and JavaScript actions
* Edit, stamp and merge PDF documents


EVO HTML to PDF Library for Java is compatible with any platform which supports JRE 1.6 and above.

Getting Started

Before starting to use the EVO HTML to PDF Client for Java in your applications you first have to install the EVO PDF Server.
The server can be installed as Azure Cloud Service Worker Role, Azure Cloud Service Web Role, Azure Service Fabric Application, IIS ASP.NET Web Application or Windows Service.

EVO PDF Server

EVO PDF Server can be downloaded from http://www.evopdf.com/download.aspx#client_server page of the website.
EVO PDF Server package contains the server files and detailed installation instructions for each platform.
You can start by installing EVO PDF Server as a Windows Service on the local development machine with default options. In this case the assigned IP address is

After the EVO PDF Server was installed, you are ready to use the EVO HTML to PDF Client Library for Java in your applications.

Demo Applications

The client library for Java is distributed as a JAR file in the root folder of the package.

In 'samples' folder you can find the demo applications for various features of the library targeting Java platform and a 'readme.txt' file containing the instructions to build and run the samples. 
Each sample has a 'bin' folder where you can find the precompiled runnable JAR version of the sample and a 'src' folder where you can find the sample Java source code.

The HTML to PDF Getting Started demo application is also packaged in the auto executable Java JAR file 'demo.jar' in the root folder of the package. 
Running the application requires a Java JRE 1.6 or above to be installed. Java JRE 8 is the recommended version for running the prebuilt demo because this is the version which is usually used for demo validation. 

If your operating system supports auto executable Java JAR files then you can double click the JAR file to run the application. 

You can also manually run the application from a command prompt using the command below, in the JAR file folder:

    java -jar demo.jar

If the 'java' command is not in the path then you can add it to system path or you can use the full path of the 'java' virtual machine installed by the JRE.

The demo application requires to enter a Server IP in application user interface. This is the IP address of the server you installed at the previous step, following the instructions above.


For technical and sales questions or for general inquiries about our software and company you can contact us using the email addresses from http://www.evopdf.com/contact.aspx page of the website. 



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